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Confused! Try again Try again
Here is Here is book. aaaa
Well done!! 1 point
Open book. the
Great!! 2 points
This is This is apple. an
Good!! 3 points
That is That is orange. an
Wicked!! 4 points
Where is Where is flower? the
Cool!! 5 points
It is above It is above apple. the
Well done!! 6 points
Take pencil. aaaa
Well played!! 7 points
What is What is Pet? aaaa
Bravo!! 8 points
Pet is Pet is animal. an
Excellent!! 9 points
Go to Go to next page. next page. the
Play again Play again 10 points!! Very very excellent!!
We will do some more work like this. Stay close. Md. Moshiur Rahman, summer, 2009 exit