The Raspberry Pi An Introduction 1
Learning Outcomes LO1: Pupils will be able to identify each component part of the Raspberry Pi. LO2: Pupils will demonstrate the construction of the Raspberry Pi. LO3: Pupils will be able to install an operating system. 10
Class Discussion What do you think of when you hear the words ‘computer programmer’? What do you visualise? 11
Learning Outcomes LO1: Pupils will be able to identify each component part of the Raspberry Pi. LO2: Pupils will demonstrate the construction of the Raspberry Pi. LO3: Pupils will be able to install an operating system. 100
Do you think of someone like him? 101
How about these two innovators? 110
Did you visualise a girl? Amy Mather – She is 13 years of age. NnYFtA&feature=player_detailpage#t=99 NnYFtA&feature=player_detailpage#t=99 111
Raspberry Pi Using an LED 2ww78hw 2ww78hw 1000
How do I access the Pi? Now that Raspbian has installed, you will be prompted to enter a username and password. Username: pi Password: raspberry 1001
References ommons/a/a2/Steve_Jobs_and_Bill_Gates _( ).jpg ommons/a/a2/Steve_Jobs_and_Bill_Gates _( ).jpg 1010