LZ / PZ RECONNAISSANCE An LZ and/or PZ reconnaissance is an area reconnaissance performed to determine the suitability for air assault operations of a designated area. Principal concerns are determining if enemy forces are present and in a position to bring direct fires onto the LZ and/or PZ, while evaluating the physical characteristics of the area.
LZ / PZ RECONNAISSANCE This reconnaissance is often performed as a subtask during air assault security missions. An LZ and/or PZ reconnaissance looks for predetermined, specific intelligence requirements. The commander assigned this mission should receive, as a minimum, information on the ground force's objective and other actions after landing, time of the air assault, and the number and type of aircraft in each lift.
LZ / PZ RECONNAISSANCE While conducting the reconnaissance, ACTMs evaluate and make recommendations of the following Tactical Considerations : Mission. The most important criterion in selecting an LZ / PZ is whether the mission can be accomplished flying to and from that location (TC 1-215) CTMs evaluate whether the LZ and/or PZ will facilitate the unit's ability to accomplish the mission from or at that location Location. Will the LZ and/or PZ meet the commander's intent for distance from the objective? Security. Recommendations are made on the force that will be required to provide security during the air assault.
LZ / PZ RECONNAISSANCE The CTM should advise the commander on the Technical Characteristicsof the LZ and/or PZ. The information should include: The CTM should advise the commander on the Technical Characteristics of the LZ and/or PZ. The information should include: The recommended Landing Formation. If possible the aircraft should land in the same formation that they are flying. The Obstacles. The approach and departure ends of the LZ / PZ should be free of obstacles. Obstacles within the LZ / PZ that cannot be eliminated (rocks, stumps, holes) will be noted. The Number of Aircraft. An important factor is the number of aircraft landing at the same time. It may be necessary to provide an additional landing site nearby or to land aircraft at the same LZ / PZ in successive flights. Ground slopes must be considered for the type aircraft using the LZ/PZ The maximum Loads. Fully loaded helicopters require larger landing areas and better approach and departure routes.
LZ / PZ RECONNAISSANCE The Approach or departure directions. The direction of the approach or departure should be over the lowest obstacles and generally into the wind taking into consideration the enemy’s location and capabilities.The Approach or departure directions. The direction of the approach or departure should be over the lowest obstacles and generally into the wind taking into consideration the enemy’s location and capabilities. The Surface Conditions. Surface conditions must be firm enough to prevent helicopters from bogging down or creating excessive dust or blowing snow. The reconnaissance will include an assessment of the ground slope as well.The Surface Conditions. Surface conditions must be firm enough to prevent helicopters from bogging down or creating excessive dust or blowing snow. The reconnaissance will include an assessment of the ground slope as well. The Size of the LZ / PZ. Helicopters require a relatively level, clear area at least 25 to 80 meters wide depending on the type of aircraft. A larger landing area is required during Night / NVG operationsThe Size of the LZ / PZ. Helicopters require a relatively level, clear area at least 25 to 80 meters wide depending on the type of aircraft. A larger landing area is required during Night / NVG operations Vulnerability. The site must supply adequate cover and concealment from enemy observation. Successive use of the LZ / PZ should be avoided.Vulnerability. The site must supply adequate cover and concealment from enemy observation. Successive use of the LZ / PZ should be avoided. LONGLASSVLONGLASSVLONGLASSVLONGLASSV
LZ / PZ RECONNAISSANCE Meteorological Conditions. If meteorological conditions observed during the reconnaissance are expected to be present during the air assault, then ACTMs assess the impact of the following meteorological factors: Ceiling. The cloud base in relation to the field elevation of the LZ / PZ should be considered. Visibility. The effects of the sun and the possibility of ground fog are factors to be evaluated Density Altitude. The density altitude is determined by pressure altitude, temperature and humidity. For planning purposes, as DA increases the size of the LZ / PZ must increase proportionally. Winds. The ability to land in a crosswind or downwind condition will vary depending on the type of aircraft.
LZ / PZ RECONNAISSANCE ACTMs evaluating the LZ and/or PZ should create a sketch of the area with pertinent information included to present to the requesting commander.