extreme sports bungee jumping great really exciting nervous terrifying sky surfing very experience Snowrafting very expensive ice diving fast crazy sailing slow winter sports skiing snow boarding really cool Unit8 Lesson2 Listening passage II
defending clauses Ⅰ Ⅱ relative pronouns who that which whom whose differences relative adverbs wherewhenwhy the place the time the reason Ⅲ non-defending clauses relative pronouns who whichwhere Relative Clauses differences Grammar Page27 Unit 8
A Brochure Para 1 camp nameXXX opening statementbest camp Para 2 size location square mile be located in/on Para 3main features facilities activities surfing Para 4special aspects the only camp best adventure so much fun campsite chalet hiking sports biking skiing sailing Unit 8 Workshop Writing
Marco Polo in the Yuan Dynasty in years old in 1291 During the war after the book published 70 years old born in Italy travelled across Europe and Asia arrived in Beijing returned to Italy was the captain stood by his tales Replied the question speak four languages impress the Emperor become a friend of Emperor served in the court did important tasks caught by the enemy Put into prison told all stories died