Dreaming of raising thoroughbreds a farmer invests all his savings into buying one that became very ill within a month
He brings in the best Vet he could afford to examine the horse and is told “He has been infected with a very dangerous virus. Here is the medicine you need to give him twice daily. I will be back in 3 days – if he is still unable to walk at that stage he will have to be put down”
This was overheard by a piglet that shared the stables with the horse. Alarmed with this news, little pig went over to the horse and pleaded with him : “My friend, please try to get up ! ".
Day 2 – no change piglet kept on pleading with the horse : “ PLEASE get up or they will kill you! "
Day 3 – farmer administered the medicine but the horse is still on the ground. Vet examined the horse and walking out of the stables sadly said : “There is no choice – we have to put him down or the other animals could get ill".
Piglet having heard that raced over to the horse saying: “GET UP NOW ! It is NOW OR NEVER !!!“ Gathering all his strength the horse stood up and raced out of the stables
Farmer started jumping for joy and yelled out to the farm hands: “This is a miracle, Lets have a Celebration !“
Have we learned anything here ?
Mind your own Bloody Business Don’t stick your nose into things that do not involve you!