APPLYING KNOWLEDGE Examples of practical results of using advanced (AI) solutions in law
Applying knowledge BASIS CHALLENGES Simplicity of use High efficiency Time saving INSTRUMENTS Recognizing meaning Knowledge and information extraction Emulating thinking processes
Applying knowledge RESULTS IN LEGAL ENVIRONMENTS DECISION MAKING AND LEGAL PROCEEDINGS (Mainly courts and public administration) sources Help in finding sources evidence Assistance in evaluating evidence monitoring Case contents and progress monitoring motivation Help in decision making and motivation procedural requirements Check of procedural requirements information to clients Distribution of information to clients e-lawsuits Next level e-applications and e-lawsuits
Applying knowledge RESULTS IN LEGAL ENVIRONMENTS LEGISLATION AND DOCUMENTS FORMATION (Legislator, government organisations, ministries) Preparing and ammending legislation (compatibility) Special editors for legislators Editors for documents with legal content Automated archivation based on content Legal search engines with content and meaning recognition
Applying knowledge RESULTS IN LEGAL ENVIRONMENTS LEGAL COUNSELING AND REPRESENTATION (notarys offices, attorneys offices, etc.) Automated preparation of records and documents (notarial and other) Automated documents archiving and registries filling based on contents Office knowledge sharing Direct documents contents transfer into existing e-solutions
Applying knowledge RESULTS IN LEGAL ENVIRONMENTS MORE POSSIBILITIES Content based and procedural assistance in mediation procedures Simulation of proceedings in education in law Endless other possibilities
Applying knowledge STEPS INTO THE FUTURE Near future: –Knowledge bases formed by human and used by the solution which assists human Middle-term: –knowledge bases partially formed by the solution itself which takes also part in decision making Far future: –the solution provides decision in determined cases otherwise assists human Humans should never be fully excluded from decision making process
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