Conspiracy against “Masjid Al Aqsa”
Have you noticed, whenever there is mention of the in the local or international media, the picture of the appears instead!
The main reason behind this is public ignorance, which is in line with the Israeli plan!
Zionists print and distribute such pictures and sell it at a very cheap price or even free. People post it every where, in their homes and offices. As a result, our children fall into the trap of not distinguishing between the two Mosques!
Israel wants to vanish the picture of Al-Aqsa Masjid (3 rd holiest site in Islam) from the minds of Muslims. So they can destroy it and build their temple without any publicity.
So if anyone condemns or complains, Israel will show the live picture of ‘The Dome' and proclaim their innocence. What a plan!
All Muslims should be aware of this conspiracy and make it clear to our children and the public about Masjid al-Aqsa. See the real pictures on the next slides before it is too late.
Notice the difference?
Masjid Quba Al Sakhra (dome of the rock)
Where the Prophet Muhammed (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) led prayers with all the prophets, from Adam to Jesus
Masjid Al Aqsa (close up)
“They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.” Al Quraan Chapter 8. Verse.30 Revealed after the Hijrah. This chapter has 75 verses. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
What can you do? Send this to others so they too may know the truth. Ali – 11/05/01