INSECTS By Joseph Thomas Kotch. Understanding God’s World grade: 4.
Special characteristics of insects. 1. an outside skeleton, or exoskeleton. 2. three body parts. 3. six jointed legs.
Exoskeleton. This hard coat of armor that protects the tiny body parts of insects is called an exoskeleton (exo-means “outside”). An insect exoskeleton is lighter and stronger than a bone.
Three body parts 1.Head: The head contains the insect’s brain, antennae, eyes, and mouth parts.
2. Thorax: The thorax is the middle body part where the wings and legs are attached.
3. Abdomen: The abdomen,the lest body part,contains the insect’s heart and stomach.
Breathing tubes. Insects don’t have lungs as people do. Instead, God has designed them with breathing tubes which carry air containing oxygen to their body tissues. The air enters the tubes though tiny holes called spiracles that are found along the side of the body. Find the spiracles on the grasshopper. spiracles
Insect life cycles The four stages of the complete metamorphosis are egg, larva, pupa, then adult.
Egg This is the first stage of the development of an insect.
Larva This is the second stage of the development of an insect.
Pupa This is the third stage of the development of an insect.
Adult The last stage of development of an insect.