By: Cody Balogh POE 2A
An AC motor can consist of a varying assortment of pieces all of which can include; a positive(N) and a negative(S) magnet, copper(or any magnetic metal) wire, and a rotating axis.
AC motors are the simplest and most rugged electric motor and consists of two basic electrical assemblies: the wound stator and the rotor assembly. As the rotor passes through the magnetic field, the voltage rises until it reaches the strongest part of the magnetic field and then falls to zero as the field weakens, only to reverse electrical polarity as the rotor passes through an area of the opposite magnetic polarity.
The advantage of AC over DC is that power transmission is simpler under AC, it can be changed in voltage relatively easily using transformers, and that higher power motors can be devised under AC. Disadvantages also exist such as energy loss in radiation and in eddy currents generated in nearby metals. Further problems can exist when the swings of voltage and current get out of time with each other
Used in everyday applications of the home. Appliances, ceiling fans, washing machine….etc.