PRIVATE LENDING “Making Your Money Work For You” “Working Smarter Not Harder!” WE LEND A HAND TO HOSE IN NEEDS!!
Welcome We are so glad that you stop by and look at this presentation, it will help us get acquainted. We are so glad that you stop by and look at this presentation, it will help us get acquainted. I really want you to understand what we have to offer. I really want you to understand what we have to offer. I encourage you to us your questions after the presentation, if you still have them, because your questions will probably be answered before it’s over. I encourage you to us your questions after the presentation, if you still have them, because your questions will probably be answered before it’s over.
Agenda Company Overview Company Overview What is Private Lending? What is Private Lending? What’s in it for you? What’s in it for you? How you benefit.
Private Lending Overview We buy and sell houses. To purchase the houses we prefer to borrow money from private lenders. We pay you 10% to use your money. Its that simple.
Private Lending BENEFITS Secured Hassle-free Superior Yields
Private Lending A. B. Home Buyers LLC Team: Luis Mirabal- Acquisition Manager Vayron Mirabal-Project Manager Andrys Gomez-Attorney Oscar Payan-Renovation Manager Jose Barerra-Realtor
ABOUT US ABOUT US A. B. Home Buyers LLC is a private real estate investment company. We acquire, rehabilitate, and lease residential and, commercial real estate. A. B. Home Buyers LLC is a real estate & investment company. Our goal is to provide affordable housing to tenants, first-time home buyers and the general public.
Company Story From a dream of Real Estate Investing in 2000, two brothers began attending first class leadership and Real Estate Investing Educational Programs. They then began branching out to purchase properties one by one, teaming up with a few family members and dynamic individuals building a wonderful company ultimately called A. B. Home Buyers LLC. We have carefully selected our team not only on their expertise but their heart and their commitment to giving back to an incredible industry. From a dream of Real Estate Investing in 2000, two brothers began attending first class leadership and Real Estate Investing Educational Programs. They then began branching out to purchase properties one by one, teaming up with a few family members and dynamic individuals building a wonderful company ultimately called A. B. Home Buyers LLC. We have carefully selected our team not only on their expertise but their heart and their commitment to giving back to an incredible industry.
Company Mission We work closely with a national group of investors and educational team to build a local and national portfolio of properties allowing individuals to purchase a home, and investors buy their first investment, then increase and diversify portfolio’s. In essence it is our goal to build a synergy of like minded individuals to come together to fulfill a piece of the Real Estate Investor puzzle for the experienced and inexperienced alike in order to create a truly dynamic opportunity for even the little guy to be involved in Real Estate Investing regardless of education, money, time, and experience. Our goal is to grow the company by providing a possible Real Estate Investing opportunity for those who otherwise would not have the opportunity, the education, the time or the experience and to provide a diversified investment strategy for those who prefer to invest in Real Estate on a more passive level. Also to provide affordable housing to tenants and 1 st time homeowners.
A. B. Home Buyers L.L.C. We are a Limited Liability Company. Short-term hold properties. Manage rentals/leases.
How To Find Us Web Site: Phone:
Investment Area Covered Our scope encompasses on the following areas: NJ, NY, PA, FL, MI, MA, and other outlining areas that are growing. International are such as: Dominican Republic, Panama & Mexico.
Competitive Advantage Our competitive advantage is speed to purchase a property and knowledge of creative real estate techniques.
House Purchased
Before and After
House Purchased
Before and After
RULE of 72’ Rule of 72’ is a way to determine how long an investment will take to double by dividing 72 by the annual rate of return. How long will it take for your investment to double? Example: Investment of $100, Rate of Return 3% = 24 Years = $200, Rate of Return 8% = 9 Years = $200, Rate of Return 10% = 7.2 Years = $200,000.00
HOW DOES YOUR BANK MAKE MONEY? CDs Mortgages Charges high % rate Pays low % rate A. B. Home Buyers LLC eliminates the middle man X
Documents Securing Investment Renovated Home Tenant - Buyer Rent Payment 10% Interest Payment Private Lender HOW IT WORKS
INTEREST PAYMENT OPTIONS Monthly Payments of 10% simple interest Quarterly Payments Lump Sum Payment at end of year with principal and interest included
EARLY WITHDRAWAL OF CD Example: $100,000 Bank CD Rate: 4% Term: 1 year Termination Fee: $1,000 Interest Paid: $4,000 A. B. Home Buyers LLC Interest Rate: 10% Term: 1 year Termination Fee: $0 Interest Paid: $10,000 There is no early withdrawal fee with **$10,000 - $1,000 = $9,000 NET GAIN** There is no early withdrawal fee with A. B. Home Buyers LLC
DOCUMENTS SECURING YOUR INVESTMENTS Promissory Note – defines the terms & conditions of your investment. Deed of Trust – mortgage secured / recorded against the property. Title Insurance – protection for lender policy. (Case by case basis) Hazard Insurance Individual Lenders (YOU) Have No Expenses
WHAT IS THE PRIVATE LENDERS BIGGEST CONCERN? Protection of Your Investment, of course! # 1 Rule: # 1 Rule: Total loan amount borrowed by REI will not be higher than 85% loan-to-value after renovation work is completed. We don’t over leverage the property which = additional security for you.
THERE IS ALWAYS PLENTY OF INVESTMENT ABOVE YOUR LOAN < $100,000 After Renovation < $85,000 Max Loan (85% LTV) $15,000 Instant Equity Cushion!
REI’S PURCHASE PROPERTIES FROM… Banks Private Individuals Realtors Foreclosures Estates Other Investors
We Specialize in finding distressed properties that usually need renovation. We know where to look, what to buy, what not to buy, and how to renovate. We create maximum value and improve the community by remodeling the property. HOW DO WE BUY HOUSES BELOW MARKET VALUE?
PEOPLE WHO BUY HOMES FROM REI’S First-time homebuyers & purchasers who cannot qualify through conventional financing We help people achieve the American Dream of homeownership
The Next Step? By now you know how this program works and how you can earn 10% starting today. Your options: We hope you decide to join our team
The Next Step? 1) Do nothing. This isn’t for you. Can you give us names of folks that you feel it would serve. 2) Fill out the request form under the contact us tab. To Set up a one-on-one meeting to discuss in more details.
CLOSING STATEMENT Work Smarter Not Harder! Make Your Money Work For You! Start earning up to 10% today! WE LEND A HAND TO HOSE IN NEEDS!!