Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study Accelerated skill training & certification 3rd EDUConvEx : New Delhi :5 Feb2011 3rd EDUConvEx : New Delhi :5 Feb2011 Manoj Pant : Chief Executive : Shankh Inc.Mumbai India Mob: Blog: Blog: Social transformation through technology innovation Social transformation through technology innovation
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study Project Mission : Develop skilled manpower Through diversified courses To meet the requirements of both organised and the unorganised sector To instill self- employment skills in people Through a large number of self employment oriented courses Leverage all available technology options to reach scale, reach BoP targets in remote corners Innovate at every stage
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study A blue ocean approach to skill development Ecosystem to enable standardised training Mission :Create skills & jobs in the Country in millions Provide lifelong learning options to hitherto neglected large populace. Sustainable fee with quick RoI for students, Skill certification Globally benchmarked: Best practices Show me,tell me, let me approach Show me,tell me, let me approach
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study Training World Class Technicians for Tomorrow Short term vocational skill certification program Designed in collaboration with best in class-systems, content, design & faculty certification Focus on employable skills Trains & certifies youth/working people to become world class technician in skills, competence,knowledge, personality Faculty specially chosen & trained-biggest challenge area Key persons from the IIT Kanpur
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study Huge skill shortage in the country & the world. 300 million people of the age group are unemployed. Scarcity of trained craftsmen drains the economy of Billions / year. India needs > 5 Million technicians /year to become 3rd largest economy by 2030 & to sustain growth rate of 8.5 % 40 million( 4 crore) youth are barely functional literates, unskilled in any trade or vocation,or with unemployable degrees
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study Poor Faculty/Facilities at state run institutes. Re – skilling, retraining required to get good jobs, change career profile, move up in life The Demand is in millions but supply is in thousands. Project started as a nation building pioneering venture & to prepare a modern framework. Training craftsmen for tomorrow is key differentiator. Current programmes stuck in a time warp !
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study What is Different? Short Term:Technique used Show me,tell me, let me tested to deliver highest impact to school/career dropouts Best in world class Cradle to grave Customer Service using telco business model. Lifetime mentorship & career guidance Focus on hands on training & practice. Personalised & customised attention to students
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study All round personality development :Conversational English, social, PC& IT & presentation skills.Business basics to create self employment options for those wanting to be entrepreneurs. Blue Ocean approach.We will treat all students as customers for life. Courseware in local language delivered by native vernacular teachers for reaching 100% addressable population Global network of friends&family for real time mentoring &help( Customer Care ), & teaching new skills. Create gainful revenue opportunities to second life professionals from wherever they are
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study Challenges Target segment are Bottom of Academic Pyramid(BoAP)! Teachers are not available. Accelerated teaching is not just condensed & fast pace teaching. New Paradigm Needs an innovative approach, being tested out. Certification has to stand the test of industry /market expectations on quality & consistency. Students need to actually achieve the 3 month Return on Investment target. The list goes on… But looks very exciting from where I stand & speak !
Continuous Professional Development- A Case Study The last mile. Demo on how mobile & net is being used for Training the trainer & Quality Assurance Come into my parlour Manoj Pant Mob: Blog: Skype : manoj.pant Twitter