The oldest school in the town of Burgas: a winner of the Order of “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” a winner of “The Blue Flag” a winner of two “European Quality Labels” in the 2009 one of the eco-schools in Bulgaria working on the environmental education and information with our students a partner in a collaboration with Bullay-Germany a partner with ”Europe” schools –Bulgaria and many other organizations PRIMARY SCHOOL “St.KLIMENT OHRIDSKI” BURGAS
We admit the first class pupils to the specialized divisions - choreography, art, information technologies, according to their wishes and abilities. Students from the 5-th to the 7-th grades have an opportunity to choose some of the subjects in addition to the compulsory ones. Among them are Bulgarian language and Literature, Mathematics, Ecology etc. After main classes some of the students visit study-halls where they do their homework and prepare the lessons for the next day assisted by teachers. “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Primary School was built in the yard of the church in the village of Atanasovo by the builder Vassil Makedonetsa in Today there are 550 students studying in the school from the 1-grade to the 7th A staff of high skilled professionals work at school including 37 teachers. They are distinguished for their creative and innovatory spirit. They improve their qualification according to the needs of the time. Four of them have obtained 1 st Professional Grade.
It has been organized “A School for parents”. This is a sign of the partnership between the school and parents. Thus the parents are adhered to the aims and purposes connected with the education, upbringing and developing of our children. Our school has a very rich history and a lot of traditions. The School Board of Trustees is one of them. It rules school incomes from about 12 acres land, which we own as donations from our contributors and lets it rent. This helps to keep up and revive school’s material and technical foundation. There has been established a Students’ Council at school. It includes students from 3-d and 8-th grades where they get-together to discuss and organize their school life. The Students’ Council has organized “Days of the Students Self-government at School” for five years. This is the day when teachers and students reverse their places at school.
The school has at its disposal modern well-appointed rooms, a library with a wide choice of volumes, an 0-grade pupils’ room, a computer laboratory, a choreographic hall, a canteen, a gym and some play grounds outside.
A children folk dance group “Zvezdichki” was created in It consists of 70 children divided into 2 age-groups. In such way they have preserved Bulgarian traditions, customs and have popularized our folklore. “Zvezdichki” has given a great deal of concerts. It has taken part in annual school, municipal and regional activities. The group had a lot of participations in the festivals in Bourgas, Bitolya- Macedonia, Antalia- Turkey, Nicosia-North Cyprus. Bullay – Germany.
The English language education in our school is modern, interactive, project-based, involving drama, games and songs. We earned two European Quality Labels for our projects: “Hobbies and interests of the European children” “Resemblances and differences among cultures” Our partners were schools from Spain and Poland.
Students` works on the two projects
Students` work on “Resemblances and differences among cultures”
The European year for Bulgaria in our school There were competitions, workshops and a TV show devoted to the Bulgarian and European values, symbols and rituals.
An o-grade in “St. Kliment Ohridski” primary school The future pupils are well- grounded by their high-skilled teacher in a beautiful sunny room. Tuition is held with attractive and modern methods. An o-grade is an integral part of the whole educational system of “St. Kliment Ohridski” Primary School. We work on programmes of “Junior achievement” to promote business training.
Programmes of “Junior Achievement” “Our town”-4 th grade “Our family”-0-grade “Our community”-3 rd grade
Feasts in the o-grade Christmas celebration The guests are parents, teachers and grown up pupils. Mother`s day
Workshop for Easter miracles We took part in a charity bazaar with our hand-made Easter adornments.
Our school has taken part in many projects of international programmes – A National Network “Health Promoting Schools”- promotion of the health with pupils for grades 1 through 5; 1996 “An Eco-school”- building a students’ ecological culture; “Education for Sustainable Development” – sharing the positive practice in the schoolwork; 2001, 2002, 2003-An agreement for collaboration and participation of children’s folk dance group in the festivals in Bullay-Germany; 2003 A national project “Citizen”- a civic education with students from the 7th grade; A project “Prevention of the sexual abuse and illegal human beings’ traffic.”-financed by OAK FIND-III; А project “A partnership for peace of the town- bridges”-represented by the Municipality of Bullay-Germany, financed by EU –meetings, discussions, concerts and visiting the EU parliament in Brussels. International Educational Projects
2005. А project “A partnership for peace of the town-bridges”-represented by the Municipality of Bullay-Germany, financed by EU –meetings, discussions, concerts and visiting the EU parliament in Brussels.
Head teacher: Yuliya Peneva Tel Deputy head teacher: Raynichka Dyulgerova Tel Fax: Secretary PRIMARY SCHOOL “St. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI” BURGAS BULGARIA BULGARIA