SESSION 2: Introduction to the SU & Warwick Sport Zoë Buckland, Sports Officer
Why do I need to know about the SU and Warwick Sport? Warwick Sport is a joint partnership between the SU and the University’s department of PE and Sport. ALL fees go into a budget which is spent ONLY on Sport and related activities. The SU provides resources in student activities, and also the Sports Officer – however, none of these are paid for by Warwick Sport memberships or fees.
Warwick Sport in 2013 10,300 students members of Warwick Sport 6,200 students involved in 70 sports clubs £65,000 grant from the University £612,600 costs to cover each year From staffing costs, insurance, BUCS, club grants, professional services, facilities maintenance, etc.
Warwick SU in 2013 6,200 students involved in 70 sports clubs 11,250 students involved in 250+ societies 250 student staff working across our 6 F&B outlets 760 SSLC reps & 9 faculty reps 55 student councillors including 4 liberation officers £150,000 of student house deposits won back by our Advice Centre in 2013 £7m turnover 12/13
Tricky Finances Rely on £2m/year from the University to run everything we do £1,200/day rent – ouch! Last year spent £2.792m on student activities, (societies and sports clubs), the advice centre and on representation. In short, we don’t have a lot of money!
Why are you telling me this? We are one of the largest Students’ Unions in the country, yet have one of the smallest staff teams! Ridiculous/unsustainable right? Right. Things take a little longer to process and organise then we all might hope, but it’s better than the alternative… … cutting Sports Clubs and Societies and giving up our Student Representation.
Staff Support Hollie Miles Sports Administrator How can Hollie support you? Booking minibuses Registering coaches Help with club accounts How can you contact her? Sports Centre office, 9:00-16:30 weekdays
Staff Support Tom Koczkowski Sports Administrator How can Tom support you? BUCS entries BUCS costs How can you contact him? Sports Centre office, 9:00-16:30 weekdays
Staff Support Gerard Henry Student Activities Manager How can Gerard support you? Planning events (trips, tours, balls) Sponsorship packs Insurance Health & Safety risk assessments How can you contact him? Resources Room, 9:00-16:30 weekdays
Staff Support Indy Sanghera Student Activities Coordinator How can Indy support you? Planning events (trips, tours, balls) Filling in Event Planning Packs Sponsorship packs How can you contact him? Resources Room, 9:00-16:30 weekdays
Staff Support Paula Thomas Finance Counter Assistant How can Paula support you? Depositing money into club accounts Collecting money for reimbursement Holder of the SU credit card How can you contact her? Finance Office (2nd floor, SUHQ), 10:00-15:00 weekdays
Staff Support Jen Emeny-Green Performance Coordinator How can Jen support you? Volunteering opportunities Coaching and refereeing opportunities Starting a new league Increasing participation Catering for beginners in your club How can you contact her? Sports Centre office, 9:00-16:30 weekdays
Staff Support Lisa Infantino Performance Coordinator How can Lisa support you? Focus Teams Pre-season Scholarship programme How can you contact her? Sports Centre office, 9:00-16:30 weekdays
Staff Support Gareth Shuttleworth Facilities Coordinator How can Gareth support you? One-off booking of Warwick Sport facilities How can you contact him? Sports Centre office, 9:00-16:30 weekdays
Staff Support James Ellis Director of Sport Gemma Morris Head of Delivery
Staff Support Zoë Buckland Sports Officer What is the Sports Officer’s role? Student face of sport! Always voicing the best interest of students to the University Involved in strategic thinking and long term projects at the SU & University Keen to help and promote all sporting activities and events Always able to help when things go wrong (or at least who someone to ask who will be able to help!) Don’t just email me when you want to complain or rant, I can be so much more than that! How can you contact me? In my office, 2nd floor SUHQ, 8:30-17:00 weekdays (except when I’m in meetings!)
Staff Support Ruby Compton-Davies Sports Officer Elect Ruby will take office on 1st August 2014!
The Resources Room Find it on the 2nd floor of SUHQ This is your room – don’t knock, just enter! Use it for exec meetings, for printing and guillotining, for designing posters, and for filling out and submitting forms. Get to know the staff, they are here to support you (kind of hard to do that if they don’t know what you’re up to!).
Facilities If you have club sessions in Warwick Sport facilities, then you will need to apply for regular bookings with Gemma Morris. If you wish to hold an event in Warwick Sport facilities, then you will need to submit an event pack to Gemma Morris. Don’t worry yet, you’ll get an email about these things nearer the time.
Facilities You can book SU spaces too! IKEA Membership Space Copper Rooms 2 SUHQ Meeting Rooms Mighty Duck/Terrace Bar/Copper Rooms 1 All with or 024 765 73057 or “Bookings” in Exec Resources
Circling To book your club in for circling, you need to complete this form Wait to hear from the Sports Officer as to which room you will be circling in. If you’re expecting a particularly big circle one week, ask the Sports Officer in advance if you can use the Chill Out space.
Marketing You can advertise on the SU Website! Send text for your article and a picture (of dimensions 540 x 270 pixels) to
Marketing You can advertise in the fortnightly SU publication, The Bubble! Circulated to kitchens in every hall on campus. Email content to Deadlines viewable here
Finance Can’t withdraw money from your account without filling in a form. The 2 most common forms: Money Requests (used to withdraw money or pay for goods and services); and Sales Invoice Requisitions (used to raise invoices, typically to get sponsors to deposit money into your account). All forms can be found at
Finance – how long do payments take? Typical timeframes that you can expect for payment after filling in forms: Money Requests: BACS payments take 3-4 working days Cash takes 1-2 working days (collected from Finance Office) Cheques take 1-2 working days Sales Invoices: Money deposited into your account within 3-4 working days (except if you are sponsored by Kelseys!).
Finance – how long do deposits take? To deposit money into your account: Go to the Finance Office (2nd Floor of SUHQ on the RHS) and hand the cash to Paula on the front desk. Make sure your cash is counted (and bagged where depositing coins). You will be handed a receipt – keep this safe! The money will then be deposited into your account on the next working day.
Finance – how do I pay for things using club money? The usual process for paying for goods is that an exec member will pay for the items upfront and then reimburse themselves from the club funds via a Money Request form. This is fine (although double-check you can be reimbursed for the goods you want to purchase if they total more than £100). If you don’t want to/can’t individually pay for the items first (and then reimburse yourself), we have a Union credit card that can be used to pay for the goods/services directly instead. This requires a Money Request form to be used.
Finance – Top Tips Things which might make the process take longer: You need 2 exec signatures on the forms All forms exceeding £100 need the Sports Officer’s signature Finance Office opening hours are 10am – 3pm weekdays Individuals who require payment (DJs/guest speakers etc.) need to be registered with HMRC Get the correct codes for the forms! Charity Law! (we’re coming to this later)
Ordering Deliveries For all orders, you must use the following delivery address: Westwood Games Hall University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL
How to get money! Sports Club Grants Grants for your year have been applied for by your predecessors, you will need to submit a budget pack next year. Apply for sponsorship from corporate sponsors Contact for advice and contacts Apply to the Opportunity Fund for equipment/projects You can get up to £1,000! It is for something tangible (equipment, kit, etc.) Apply to the Lord Rootes Memorial Fund for unusual projects You can get up to £3,000! All about personal development with this one (coaching, volunteering projects, etc.) Apply to the Project Fund/Campaigns Fund at Student Council Forms available here
SESSION 2: Introduction to the SU & Warwick Sport *End of session* Note down any questions you may have now, and we’ll have time to go through them during the break or the Q&A at the end.