So You Want to be an Inventor?


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Presentation transcript:

So You Want to be an Inventor? Harcourt Lesson 16 Day 1 Students need: a partner, a dry erase paddle and marker, sticky notes, pencil, textbook

Listening Comprehension You will be listening to a passage from a nonfiction book about four young inventors. Remember that nonfiction text: tells about real people, events, or situations. is meant to provide information in an interesting way.

Purpose for Listening When you listen to a nonfiction passage about people, you should listen to learn about what the people have accomplished. SO: One purpose for listening is to learn what new idea the young inventors came up with.

A controversy is an issue that people have conflicting opinions about.

Is it a fact or an opinion that people would be willing to pay extra for bluegrass paper?

To implement a plan is to make it happen.

What new idea did the inventors come up with? On your dry erase paddle, answer the following question: What new idea did the inventors come up with? Answer: A plan to make paper from bluegrass.

What does this article show Turn and share with your partner the answer to the following question: What does this article show about the impact young people can have in their community?

Model Oral Fluency

should, must be, best, worst, I think, and I believe Some words and phrases that signal an opinion are: should, must be, best, worst, I think, and I believe

The sentence “A water bike can travel at about six miles per hour” is a fact. You could check it by timing the water bike with a stopwatch. The author’s statement that the water bike is an amazing invention is an opinion. You can’t prove this.

Now read the third paragraph, and think about your reading rate.

Would you read this paragraph more quickly or more slowly than the first paragraph?

Tomorrow’s selection is about inventions and inventors. On your sticky notes, add information to the columns below.
