Break them and be prepared to suffer the consequences.
You should never be talking unless you have raised your hand and I have called upon you. If you are found doing so, the result will be a warning.
You should never be talking unless you have raised your hand and I have called upon you. If you are found doing so, the result will be a warning.
You should never be out of your seat during a lecture unless you have asked permission to do so. If you are found doing so, the result will be a warning.
You should never leaning back in your chair so that there is anything other than 4 chair legs on the ground. I don’t like cleaning up blood. If you are found doing so, the result will be a warning.
You should never have your feet resting up on top of another chair like you are sitting in a recliner. If you are found doing so, the result will be a warning.
If you have to leave to go the bathroom during class lecture time it will cost you a warning.
Violation of any will result in a warning.
1. Warning – You have been warned; correct your action. 2. Extra Assignment – You will have to complete an extra homework assignment and if you fail to do so, it will result in a detention. 3. Lunch Detention – With a slip that will have to go home and be signed by your parents. 4. Sent to the Office and Call Home – Will have to explain your actions to Mrs. Pollard and your parents.
If you go through a 2-week period without receiving a warning, then you will receive a homework pass that can be used for: Any late assignment, missing assignment, or assignment that you didn’t do well on. Any upcoming assignments Extra Credit Cannot be used on tests or big class projects.