The Three Men Of 3 rd John 1
3 John 2 Theme of the book – Christian hospitality Purpose of book – To commend Christian faithfulness and hospitality & to condemn those in the church who act like Diotrephes
3 John Key word(s) – Truth; 3
3 John - Brief outline: I. Introduction 1-4 II. Commendation of Gaius 5-8 III. Condemnation of Diotrephes 9-10 IV. Recommendation of Demetrius V. Conclusion
Introduction 1. Third John is a neglected epistle 2. It is a meaningful letter – full of tenderness 3. It is a look into the lives of early Christians – Christians like you and me 5
Introduction 4. It centers around the lives of three major characters: Gaius Diotrephes Demetrius 6
(Verses 1-2) The elder unto the well beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth 7
I. Introduction To Letter – Vs. 1-4 The elder (v. 1) – reference to the aged John, who wrote the letter V. 2 – All things should be gauged by spiritual prosperity – John prayed that Gaius would prosper physically as he did spiritually 8
(Verses 3-4) For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 9
I. Introduction To Letter – Vs. 1-4 Vs. 3-4 “Walk in truth” - Following faithfully the word of God Gaius was a beloved man and a truth follower 10
(Verses 5-6) Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: 11
II. Gaius – Lover Of Hospitality Vs. 5-8 Traveling preachers needed help – place to stay – food – support Gaius was hospitable toward all men (Vs. 5-6) 12
(Verses 7-8) Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth. 13
II. Gaius – Lover Of Hospitality Vs. 5-8 He was encouraged to continue supporting preachers (Vs. 7-8) 14
(Verses 9-10) I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: 15
(Verses 9-10) and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 16
III. Diotrephes – Lover of First Place – Vs What he did: He had turned away traveling preachers He had turned out of the church those who were helping traveling preachers 17
III. Diotrephes – Lover of First Place – Vs Characteristics of Diotrephes: He put himself first He spoke evil of John These two characteristics often go together – lovers of first place are often critical of others 18
(Verses 11-12) Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and ye know that our record is true. 19
IV. Demetrius – Lover Of Faithfulness – Vs Demetrius had a good report of others, of the truth and of John His life showed that he followed God’s word He appears to be offered as a pattern for Gaius and others to follow 20
Lessons For Us 21
1. We are to be hospitable 1 Pet. 4:9 “Use hospitality one to another without grudging.” 22
2. We must “walk in truth” 2 Jn. 4, I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth,… 6 - And this is love, that we walk after his commandments… 23
3. Sinful pride can cause us to lose our good judgment Proverbs 11:2 “When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.” 24
4. Christians are not always what they should be We may have to serve in the face of opposition from others 25
5. Christians often imitate other Christians What example are we setting in the local church? Who are we imitating? Gaius had Diotrephes and Demetrius – who would you have followed? 26
6. We must not let the “spirit of Diotrephes” dominate our lives Micah 6:8 “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” 27
7. We must follow that which is good 3 Jn. 11 “Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.” 28
Conclusion If John had written a letter in which your name was mentioned, what would he have said about you? 29
References The Three men of Third John, outline by Winfred Clark (Expositions of the Expositor) “The Third Epistle of John, Mark Copeland, ( ) The Third Epistle of John, Know Your Bible, by Frank J. Dunn,