The k-computer is the world’s fastest supercomputer. The k-computer named for the japnese word “kei" which stands for 10 quardillion. K-computer is produced by at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for computational science campus in japan.
Fujitsu Limited is a multinational information technology equipment and services company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.multinational It is the world's third-largest IT services provider measured by revenues(after IBM and Hewlett-Packard).IBMHewlett-Packard The company was established on June 20, 1935,
There was 2 supercomputers before K- computers which are Tianhe-1 and Tianhe-1A. These developed by the Chinese National University of Defense Technology (NUDT).Chinese National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) Both the original Tianhe-1 and Tianhe-1A use a Linux-based OS.Linux Now a days Tianhe-1A is 2 nd and K-Computer is 1 st TOP500 ranked Supercomputer.
K had set a LINPACK record with a performance of petaflops.LINPACKpetaflops It achived this performance with computing efficiency ratio is The Tianhe-1A having performance of petaflops.
Uses 88, GHz and 8-core processor. Each computing node contain a single process & 16GB Memory It provide water colling system design to minimize failure rate & power Consumption.
The name Lustre is a portmanteau word derived from Linux and cluster,portmanteau wordLinux Luster is a parallel & distributed file system. The Lustre file system architecture was developed as a research project in 1999 by Peter Braam, who was a Senior Systems Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University at the timeCarnegie Mellon University
K computer reports the highest total power consumption of any TOP500 supercomputer. Literally, it measures the rate of computation that can be delivered by a computer for every watt of power consumed.rate of computationwatt Most of the power a computer uses is converted into heat, so a system that takes fewer watts to do a job will require less cooling to maintain a given operating temperature. operating temperature relatively efficient, achieving GFlop/kWattGFlop/kWatt
The world's fifth fastest supercomputer in the TOP500 list released at the 2009 Supercomputing Conference. TOP500 Supercomputing Conference performance has increased and price has decreased. Maintaining integrity.(Multiple filesystems within a single system).
1)K-COMPUTER (Nov-2011-Today) 2)Tianhe-1A (Oct June 11) 3)Jaguar (June-09-Oct-2010) 4)IBM Roadrunnner (June-08 TO June-09) 5)Blue Gene/L