The Art of Critique
Gube, Jacob. Dealing with Design Critiques. Design Instruct. July 29, May 18,
How Critique influences the design process: McDaniel, Cassie. Design Criticism and the creative Process. A List Apart, for people who make websites. Jan 11, May 18,
Walter, Aarron. The Art of the Design Critique. Think Vitamin. Jan 26, May 18,
Walter, Aarron. The Art of the Design Critique. Think Vitamin. Jan 26, May 18,
Walter, Aarron. The Art of the Design Critique. Think Vitamin. Jan 26, May 18,
Walter, Aarron. The Art of the Design Critique. Think Vitamin. Jan 26, May 18,
McDaniel, Cassie. Design Criticism and the creative Process. A List Apart, for people who make websites. Jan 11, May 18,
McDaniel, Cassie. Design Criticism and the creative Process. A List Apart, for people who make websites. Jan 11, May 18,
Walter, Aarron. The Art of the Design Critique. Think Vitamin. Jan 26, May 18,
Gube, Jacob. Dealing with Design Critiques. Design Instruct. July 29, May 18,
Walter, Aarron. The Art of the Design Critique. Think Vitamin. Jan 26, May 18,
Spool, M. Jared. What Goes Into a Well-Done Critique." User Interface Engineering. Sep 23, May 18,
Spool, M. Jared. What Goes Into a Well-Done Critique." User Interface Engineering. Sep 23, May 18,
Spool, M. Jared. What Goes Into a Well-Done Critique." User Interface Engineering. Sep 23, May 18,
Spool, M. Jared. What Goes Into a Well-Done Critique." User Interface Engineering. Sep 23, May 18,
Beginning Middle End What You Are Working On: Challenge & Inspire What are your dreams, fantasies, goals or ambitions? Goal is to work on initial concept & vision Example Goals: Imagine & Generate Work on a set of different concepts / approaches Get feedback about concepts. Post concepts on flickr What You Might Look At: Other artists Other artworks What You Are Working On: Plan & Focus/ Explore & Explain Solving for Constraints How can you play around with the media/ materials? Have you tried other approaches or alternatives? Refer to flickr for comments. Example Goals: Post work on flickr Revise & Refine Determine what needs to be done Determine how has your work changed or evolved from its initial plan or design What You Might Look At: Prototypes Other colleagues work What You Are Working On: Revise & Refine Finalize details of artwork Solving for constraints Example Goals: Present & Perform How can you effectively present this artwork Analyze details and impact of work What You Might Look At: Reflect & Evaluate What have you learned? How has this artwork shaped or altered your personal thoughts or feelings?