Making A Difference Ronnie Malcolm, Director, RRM (UK) at the Knowledge Transfer Hub
Ronnie Malcolm:
Too busy to be better?
Enhanced performance With varying willingness to engage across the population Time Denial Anger Blame Self blame Pit of confusion Acceptance (of reality) Action planning Shock Energy Initial excitement Source: E Kubler-Ross, On Death and Dying Typical stages of change
Ronnie Malcolm: 16 indicators of readiness for change 1.Support from a senior level 2.All levels of management committed 3.A culture of managed risk taking 4.Encouragement and reward for CI 5.Articulation of the need for change 6.Clear vision of a positive future 7.Specific performance measures 8.Integration of change effort 9.Benchmark against ‘world class’ 10.All employees understand customer needs 11.Reward for innovation and root cause solutions 12.Flexible and cooperative 13.Effective communication at all levels 14.Track record of implementing change 15.Employees take personal responsibility 16.Decisions made quickly.
Ronnie Malcolm: Situation Objectives Drivers / Developments Actions SODA
Ronnie Malcolm: Defining Reality SWOT More / Less Start / Stop / Continue www/ebi?
Ronnie Malcolm: Inspirational Leaders Six elements: – Genuinely care about their people – Involve everybody – Show lots of appreciation – Ensure work is fun – Show real trust – Listen a lot DTI / CMI Survey
Ronnie Malcolm: Leadership Lessons from the Dancing Guy
Ronnie Malcolm: How do you spend your time / expend your energy? Policy Planning Implementing Doing
Ronnie Malcolm: Laws of time Parkinson’s Law: - work expands to fill the time available Pareto Principle: - everything that is not indispensable is useless Drucker: - don’t get efficient, get effective
Ronnie Malcolm: Free yourself! recognise detrimental, inbuilt, restrictive messages they determine our ‘working style’ -‘Be perfect’ -‘Make an effort’ -‘Try to please’ -‘Hurry up’ -‘Be strong’ we spend 80% of our time responding to unconscious drivers
Ronnie Malcolm: Checklist for an ideal day When you get up you are alert, relaxed and positive Your agenda for the day is already planned You meet briefly with your team You spend an hour working alone You deal with interruptions effectively You use your breaks You have a light, nutritious lunch You are effective in all correspondence Your meetings are well prepared and run smoothly Your appointments are planned and well prepared You balance short, medium and long term You plan the next day
Ronnie Malcolm: Kid President