BY Daryl Wilkerson
TORNADO Below is a very old pic that I got from my grandmother. It was taken in 1975, when a tornado was passing through Kentucky. If you look at the top of the tornado, you can see who is guiding, this beast that was released on the face of our earth.The pic is old, and has not been taken care of, it was kept in a box with other pics for many years. I remember seeing this pic as a kid,and never forgot about it, I have been trying for a couple of years to get my hands on it, before it got destroyed, I would like to have the pic restored sometime. I want to thank my grandmother Dorothy Meredith for allowing me to scan this pic, before it was to late.
The following are the same photograph of a funnel cloud taken in Jarrell, Texas on May 27, The first picture shows the photograph as it was originally taken. I was introduce with this photo by friend named Suki
Now What you are about to see next is the same picture turned sideways. Now what do you see
More Pictures coming soon. If you know where more pictures like these are at or want to contact me