1 Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow SMART Four States, One Region, Infinite Possibilities … Congressional Initiative Mission: Integrated collaboration on national & international S&T issues that lead to regional tech enterprise & tech education / workforce development. Unique Mid-Atlantic, formal collaboration among: - Congressional Caucus - Federal Executive Branch - International Allies - States - SMART Regional Tech Community -- Academia, Industry, Gov’t Labs and Professional Associations
2 SMART Initiative Activities Conducted Via 15 Focus Groups (Priorities) Agriculture/Life Sciences Health Care (4) Modeling & Simulation DefenseHLS/Fire & EMS Nanotech/Materials/Composites Economic Development International (2) Space Technology Education/Workforce (1)IT/Communications Transportation Energy/Environment (3)Manufacturing Tech Veterans Affairs (5) Products (Since 1999) - Partnerships & Networking on S&T Issues - Events, Projects, $625.0M
3 SMART Support of NE MD STEM Past Highlights: - Included in all State of Maryland Strategic Reviews at MD DBED - Co-Leaders presented at SMART Wash DC Working Session on STEM - Promoted as the top Educ/WF program supported by SMART - Diane Lane presented Congressional Award for “STEM & Beyond” Next: - Included in SMART Booth at inaugural Sports & Education Expo - Lead a Proposed State of Maryland DoD or Federal STEM Review.
4 SMART Support of NE MD STEM Sports & Education Expo, May 31 – June 1 st Phila PA - Inaugural, national event by SMART member targeted for: -- Student athletes/parents who are seeking information and a dialogue on collegiate entrance, career counseling, financial aid, sports information, sports medicine, general health care/wellness/nutrition and as important post-collegiate careers. -- Second target audience are the full range and depth of academia, businesses, government agencies and professional associations who support the above, extensive topics. -Attendance expected at 10,000 with at the awards dinner. -NE MD STEM Forum will be featured in the SMART exhibit. -Sabre CEO Phil Jaurigue will receive STEM Support Award. -- Primarily for his support of the NE MD STEM Forum.
5 Maryland Impacts of the Expo -Expo #2 will be hosted by Maryland (Venue TBD) -- Terry Hasseltine, MD Sports Commissioner, is attending the inaugural event to facilitate the rotation to MD. -- A MD Steering Committee will be formed to support. -Expo #1 will also be the basis for a Virtual Expo -- Participants have the opportunity to be part of Virtua Expo. -Series of nation-wide Mini-Expos and the Virtual Expo will augment support for the MD-hosted Expo #2 in Conclusion --- For all of the above reasons, we recommend NE MD participation in the inaugural event. -See - Or contact Bob Carullo