WEA NI GATE – Generations Ageing Together in Europe Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Policies and practices
Active Ageing NI Northern Ireland Assembly OFMDFM - Ageing in an inclusive society 2006 ‘create an enabling environment …….to make informed choices……to pursue healthy and active ageing.’ Education/learning - important for active ageing and gaining IT skills Department Employment and Learning Older People’s Commissioner 2011
Active Ageing NI Health policies – Promote and support active ageing Improve health and well being Community based interventions Age Concern’s Ageing Well programme
Belfast Healthy Ageing Strategic Partnership - HASP Belfast HASP is a partnership of key agencies providing a joined up approach to the delivery of services which promote the health, wellbeing and independence of older people in Belfast. The partnership is currently focussing on four key issues: joined up information and advice community capacity building combating social isolation home support services or care and repair.
Active Ageing NI Age NI Education will Improve physical and mental health Meet new people/make new connections Improve skills for work Develop interests Enable a more active retirement Call for more opportunities to learn
Active Ageing NI Further and Higher Education Focus on skills for employment & younger people Limited IT training specifically for older people Open learning programmes offered Barriers may prevent more isolated older people from engaging
Active Ageing NI Main provider of later life learning is voluntary and community sector The Atlantic Philanthropies – Ageing Programme Big Lottery Fund – Reaching Out Connecting Older People
WEA – Community Education LAP has provided a range of programmes which help support active ageing – -Physical Activity -Social interaction -Mentally stimulating Health and Well Being Programme: Active Lifestyles Planning for Retirement
WEA Active Lifestyles Programme Considers mental, emotional, social and physical well being Looks at importance of diet, exercise, mental stimulation and social activity in promoting active ageing Opportunities for discussion and practical exercises Aims to increase mobility and independence in later life. Social and community context Researching local activities Looks at age related illness and preventative measures linking to life course perspective of ageing.
Active Ageing NI Volunteer Now – Unlocking potential Project. AP funded Encourages adults aged 50+ to volunteer Believes volunteering encourages and supports active Make it happen days Research link volunteering and health and well being
Tri Age - Belfast Springfield Charitable Association – Big Lottery funded The overall aim is to enhance the quality of life, health and wellbeing of older people who live in west Belfast Targets disadvantaged older people particularly those diagnosed with or at risk of developing dementia Develop a community support programme to promote independent living. Offer a range of programmes on diet, exercise and mental stimulation Providing in-centre and outreach advice services on issues such as benefits, home safety and heating, falls and accident prevention.
Engage with Age – Hope Project Targets less active older people at risk of social isolation particularly those in sheltered housing Aims to reduce isolation, increase confidence and improve social networks and relationships Range of activities to promote active ageing Forging links between local communities and sheltered housing Volunteers offer one to one and group support
Active Ageing NI Promoting Physical Activity programme Partnership Sports NI and Age NI Guidelines for council sports centres to promote physical activity in older people Encourage older people to use facilities Provide age related classes and activities Big Lottery funded