Operations with Functions Objective: Perform operations with functions and find the composition of two functions
Operations with Functions For all functions f and g: Sum: (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) Difference (f – g)(x) = f(x) – g(x) Product (fg)(x) = f(x)g(x) Quotient (f/g)(x) = f(x)/g(x)
Example 1
Try This Let and. Find: (f + g)(x) (f – g)(x)
Try This Let and. Find: (f + g)(x) (f – g)(x)
Try This Let and. Find: (f + g)(x) (f – g)(x)
Example 2
Try This Let and. Find: (f g)(x) (f/g)(x)
Try This Let and. Find: (f g)(x) (f/g)(x)
Try This Let and. Find: (f g)(x) (f/g)(x)
Example 3
Try This Let and. Find: and
Try This Let and. Find: and
Try This Let and. Find: and
Example 4
Example 5 Let and. Find
Example 5 Let and. Find You have two choices. First, lets find f(g(x)) and evaluate it at x = 3.
Example 5 Let and. Find You have two choices. First, lets find f(g(x)) and evaluate it at x = 3.
Example 5 Let and. Find You have two choices. Second, we can find g(3) and put that answer into f.
Example 5 Let and. Find You have two choices. Second, we can find g(3) and put that answer into f.
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