PwC RH Tribune November 20, 2008 Is money the only drive ? By Vinciane Istace
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 2 Agenda The current context Attracting young talents : - MyLuckyStar - EEE Attracting experienced profiles - PwC deal - A la Carte Conclusion
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 3 The current context A changing world 3 different generations in the workplace at the same time: - Baby Boomers (1946 – 1964) - Generation X (1965 – 1981) => a multigenerational workplace - Generation Y (1982 – 2000) A changing workplace Problem solving and creativity support performance Workplace flexibility becomes key to attracting and retaining staff A changing mindset Closer scrutiny of the way in which companies and executives behave => CSR engagement : serving all stakeholders Greater emphasis on experts => building and maintaining expertise Personal wealth and wellness => work life choices
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 4 In a nutshell Transition in leadership profiles Job For Life Deep knowledge of the business Single company career General management skills, rather than deep expertise Move between companies and industries High order communication and collegiate management skills Deep industry or subject expertise Holds senior role for substantial period Cross Industry Hire Leader Expert Overall Skill Level Source : Boston Consulting Group vision
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 5 In a nutshell Transition in Peoples expectation Security Health Wellness
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 6 Attracting young talents They want:We propose: Clear understanding of their role in big picture PwC Deal Opportunity to contributeCSR Programme Recognition and reward A la Carte remuneration and training Flexibility in terms of hoursFlexi-account Cutting-edge technology Inviting workplace with open access to technology
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 7 Build relationships Y is loyal to People not to organisations !
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 8 An innovative approach to recruitment : MyLuckyStar Reinforce the branding of PricewaterhouseCoopers Reflect the consistency with our firm culture Answer to the Y generation sensibility Support our cross border recruitment campaign Arise curiosity Promote discovery Increase the liberty of choice and diversity
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 9 An innovative approach to recruitment : MyLuckyStar Today, MyLuckyStar is declined in whole our communication Internet Brochures
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 10 An innovative approach to recruitment : MyLuckyStar Banners Advertisements
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 11 An innovative approach to recruitment : MyLuckyStar And even… A LuckyStar carA LuckyStar recruitment area
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 12 An innovative approach to recruitment : The EEE Experience To From
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 13 An innovative approach to recruitment : The EEE Experience During 2 days, selected students will: EXPLORE our professions by living one day as an auditor or tax advisor through dedicated case studies managed by some of our professionals. ENJOY Luxembourg and its nightlife as a great cosmopolitan place to live. ENROLL with PwC and catch the opportunity of starting their career by passing a selection interview and signing their first employment contract immediately thereafter. Main Objectives: Promoting of Luxembourg as a place to live & to start a great career Promoting of PwC Luxembourg as a dynamic & innovative employer with this new recruitment event Reinforcing our relationships with campuses & cross-border countries Attracting students from all cross-border countries to come and discover Luxembourgs city & way of life
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 14 An innovative approach to recruitment : The EEE Experience Success measurements : 200 graduates hosted in Luxembourg 133 employment contracts 15 nationalities 2 to 3 EEE events/a year Cross-border press coverage Closer relationships with campuses in Luxembourg, France, Belgium and Germany (30 to 40 schools) A qualitative selection (no interruption of probation period)
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 15 Attracting experienced profiles They want:We propose: Middle term perspectiveLeaders position Career challenges and advancement Management by objectives (long term – short term) Clarity of roles and responsibilitiesBusiness case Collegial approachTeam work environment Inclusive remuneration systemA la Carte offer
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 16 Generation X wants to manage their own careers. They move frequently to develop their careers.
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 17 An inclusive approach to compensation : The PwC deal Our status : the working contract is incomplete to describe the employers offer and commitments to its employees Our needs : -Clarity -Identity -Exhaustiveness -Coherence Our philosophy : The PwC Deal
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 18 An inclusive approach to compensation : A la Carte Implement a new remuneration scheme -Flexibility -Equity -Individuality
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 19 An inclusive approach to compensation : A la Carte Expectations are mainly focused on : Coverage of social and time related risks (i.e. death, invalidity, hospitalisation, outpatient care and pension) Assistance in relocating their family (administrative formalities, house and school hunting) More-and-more work life balance (planning of holidays and flexibility) And an appetite for coaching and feedback => expectations between X and Y are converging!
PricewaterhouseCoopers November 2008 Slide 20 Conclusion : List of popular attributes to attract talents 1. For People like Me 2. Fun place to work 3. Innovative company 4. Training opportunities 5. Attractive work location 6. Career growth opportunities 7. High salary or other monetary benefits 8. Familiarity with task or opportunity to do what I want to do 9. Expect success at the task 10. Work life balance Universal to both recent graduates and experienced employees Specific to experienced employees