National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign-2012 Madhya Pradesh 5-6 March 2012
The state has 11 agro-climatic zones. Area under Kharif 2011 was 113 Lakh ha. Soybean, Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Jowar, Urd, Tur are the main kharif crops. The state is first in production of Soybean and Gram. Farm Power Availability is 0.85 Kw/Ha. Major contribution to farm power is through tractors followed by electric and diesel pumps. Madhya Pradesh - Basic information 2
Share of different Sources of Farm Power in India. Source:, Zinnov Research, 2007, Vision 2020 India 3
Growth of Tractors in Madhya Pradesh 4
Constraints and Problems 5 Regional disparities within state - Oilseed
Constraints and Problems Regional disparities within state - Kharif foodgrains 6
Challenges 7 1. Inadequate availability of farm labor at peak season. 2. Average land holding is 2.22 Ha. 3. Large number of Small & marginal farmers (67%) having only 29 % of the cultivable land. 4. In some districts of eastern MP, Soybean and Paddy are still sown by broadcasting in 5-7 lakh hectares. 5. Penetration of improved implements is low. Single box seed drills are still in use, availability of improved ploughs is limited. 6. Reduction in productivity of soil due to Formation of hard pan Reduced fertility of top soil Deep rooted weeds Practice of narwai burning
Challenges 8 7. Use of traditional implements result in high plant population. 8. Though the state has achieved Tractor Density of 19 Tractors per thousand ha. there are 12 districts, out of 50, having Tractor Density even less than Shortage of custom hiring and repair services for farm machineries. 10. Losses due to excess rain or elongated dry spells.
State Initiatives 1. Haldhar Yojna : Scheme started in to encourage farmers to adopt deep ploughing at regular interval. Assistance to the tune of 50% of the cost of ploughing max. up to Rs 1500 per ha. is being provided. Farmers of SC and ST categories entitled to get benefit up to 4 ha. whereas small and marginal farmers of general category can get the benefit for 2 ha. Gram Panchayats are involved in verification of the work. So far 1.80 Lakh Ha. land is deep ploughed. Additional One Lakh ha. will be ploughed next year. 9
State Initiatives 2. Ridge-furrow system : Soybean and Pulses are sown in about 65 lakh Ha. in M.P. These crops are often badly affected by excess rain and/or long dry spells. To mitigate the effect of excess rain and dry spells ridge- furrow system of sowing is adopted in which series of small ridge and furrows are formed, seeds being sown on ridges. At present about 15 Lakh Ha. area is sown by this method. Next year additional 5 Lakh Ha. area of Soybean and Pulses will be brought under this system. Incentive to the tune of 50% of the cost max. upto Rs 2500,will be given to farmers for attachment that can be fixed in traditional seed drills to be used as ridge furrow seed drills. 10
State Initiatives 3. Raised-bed Planting : Special emphasis is given in the areas where ridge-furrow system is already popular. 450 Raised bed planters have been made available in the custom hiring centers all over the state. 2000 demonstrations will be conducted in next Kharif. 11
State Initiatives 4. SRI System of Paddy cultivation : SRI system of cultivation is being promoted in the state. Conoweeder and Marker are the main implements used. These impl. are currently manufactured by M.P Agro. Local manufacturers are being promoted. One lakh ha. area will be brought under SRI next year. Intensive training will be provided to "Kisan Didi" and "Kisan Mitra". 25 demonstrations of Mechanical Rice Transplanter will be conducted in next Kharif. 12
State Initiatives 5. Special drive for grading and seed treatment : Grading and seed treatment results in % increase in production. 1000 villages have been provided with Spiral seed grader and seed treating drum during the current year. All villages of the state to be covered during the next five years. 13
State Initiatives 6. Additional Assistance : 50% top up subsidy for hand operated and animal drawn implements. 25% top up subsidy for power tiller. Top up subsidies are given in addition to the subsidy given in central schemes. 14
State Initiatives Yantrdoot Yojna : The scheme was introduced in year to demonstrate the benefits of comprehensive mechanization practices on production and productivity. 25 villages were selected randomly under the scheme. Concept was to cover each and every farmer of the village and to provide mechanization technologies suitable for him. This helped in reducing cost of inputs, helped the farmers to overcome the labour problem, saved time and reduced drudgery and risk. Success of the scheme may be gauzed from the fact that on an average there was 30-35% increase in productivity in selected villages.
State Initiatives Yantrdoot Yojna :... (Continued) Activities : Baseline survey Formulation of action plan through PRA with calander of activities. Deep ploughing during summer. Field preparation by Rotavator Grading and treatment of Farmer owned Seed Line sowing by seed cum fertilizer drill (with Ridge-furrow attachment), Zero till seed drill and Raised-bed planter as per need. Intercultural operations by Mechanical Weeders Harvesting by Reaper-cum binder, Self propelled reaper Threshing by Multicrop Thresher
State Initiatives Yantrdoot Yojna :... (Continued)
State Initiatives Yantrdoot Yojna :... (Continued)
State Initiatives Yantrdoot Yojna :... (Continued)
State Initiatives Yantrdoot Yojna :... (Continued)
Suggestions 21 Subsidy on hand operated and animal drawn implements be increased up to 80% of the cost. Subsidy on power drawn imp. be increased up to 50% of the cost. Subsidy ceiling in case of costly equipments like Reaper cum binder, Laser land leveler be raised without any rider so that these can be popularized. Incentive should be provided for (i) phasing out Single box seed drills with Seed cum fertilizer drills and (ii) promoting Inclined plate planters for inter cropping. Generator sets are not included in any subsidy scheme due to strict sound pollution norms. GOI should take initiative for relaxation in norms for agricultural activities in rural areas. Policy should be drawn up for incentivizing manufacturing of implements in private sector. Schemes like "Haldhar" and "Yantradoot" may be included in the central schemes. Provisions for staff support, as in case of ATMA, be also provided for promoting mechanization activities.