Frogs and Toads
Our Frog Objectives
Bull Frog 8 in. 1.5 lbs Shallow water: Freshwater ponds and lakesNocturnal Predators: Insects, mice, fish, birds, snakesCamouflage
Bull Frog
Eastern American Toad Size 43.5 to 26.3 Grams in. Food Insects Slugs Worms Poisonous Their warts secret bufotoxin (a poison) Live Near water Burrow in cool loose soil
Eastern American Toad
Eastern Gray Treefrog 2 3/8 inches Large toe pads Wooded habitats Insects and invertebrates
Eastern Gray Treefrog
Pickerel Frog Food Insects Earthworms Invertebrates Adaptation Skin secretions are toxic to other frogs and cause skin irritation Habitat Mainland (urban and rural areas) Near ponds Size 27.5 to 12.1 grams 1.75 to 3.5 inches
Pickerel Frog
Northern Green Frog Food Snakes Lizards Other frogs Size 2 ¼ To 4 ¼ inches Habitat Freshwater marshes, shallow ponds, small streams Adaptations Tadpoles are “slightly” toxic
Northern Green Frog
Northern Leopard Frog Size 3 to 5 Inches Habitat Ponds, swamps, marshes, slow streams Adaptation Powerful swimmers (webbed feet) Food Beetles, ants, flies, worms, small frogs
Northern Leopard Frog
Northern Spring Peeper Size 0.11 to 0.18 Ounces 1 to 1.5 inches Adaptation Large toe pads for climbing Food Nocturnal Carnivores Insects, spiders, ants Habitat Marshes, ponds, swamps Prefer loose debris on the forest floor
Northern Spring Peeper
Wood Frog Size 1 to 3 inches Adaptation Can sustain a body temperature as low as -6 degrees Celsius Habitat Tundra, wet grasslands, moist woodlands Vernal pools during the breeding season Food Insects Invertebrates
Wood Frog
Frog Calls
Endangered Frogs and Toad
New Jersey Chorus Frog Size 0.75 to 1.5 inches Adaptation Camouflage Habitat Shallow pools along streams, ditches, canals Dry fields Forest swamps Wet meadows Food Eggs and larvae of amphibians
New Jersey Chorus Frog
Southern Leopard Frog Up to 5 inches Size They can leap several feet to escape predators Adaptation Shallow water: Lakes, marshes, streams Habitat Nocturnal: Insects, earthworms, invertebrates Food
Southern Leopard Frog
Northern Cricket Frog Habitat Along sunny, muddy, marshy gently sloping edges of ponds, reservoirs, streams, pastures Adaptation They jump up to 3 ft in zigzag motions Size 0.75 to 1.5 inches Food Invertebrates, beetles, larvae, flies
Northern Cricket Frog
Eastern Spadefoot Toad 1.75 to 3.25 inches Size Fields, farmland, woodlands with sandy or loose soil Breed in vernal pools or flooded fields Habitat Hard to find: Hide in burrows Adaptation Flies, crickets, caterpillars, snails Food
Eastern Spadefoot Toad
Threatened / Candidate Frogs NONE