This is your opportunity to ask questions regarding Dual Credit and Online Dual Credit Programs at LDHS
Students must have a “B” average in core subject areas. Weighted grades will be considered for AP (70) or Pre-AP (75).
Students that fail a dual credit course with a grade below 70 will not be eligible for enrollment the following semester, however, admission can be regained into the dual credit program by meeting all of the eligibility requirements.
Applicants for College Algebra must have a score of 2300 on the mathematics portion of the TAKS test or pass the college readiness tests listed on the NCTC web-site for dual credit admissions.
Seniors who have not yet had Foundations for College Algebra (FOCA), are required to take FOCA first Semester and College Algebra Second Semester Seniors who have taken Foundations for College Algebra (FOCA) will take College Algebra 1 st semester. Since this is a course that is a Graduation Requirement, students who do not pass the first exam must drop the course and take a course that will fulfill graduation requirements instead.
Students must go to NCTC to enroll in Dual Credit Courses. Deadlines for enrollment must be met and are posted on the NCTC web-site. You must register each semester for Dual Credit Courses
Senior applicants for Public Speaking, US History and English Composition 1 & 2 must have a score of 2200 on the English portion of the TAKS test and a score of a 3 or greater on the writing sample or pass college readiness tests listed on the NCTC web-site. Junior applicants are required to have a 2250 on the ELA portion and a score of 3 on the writing sample. Public Speaking is open to Senior applicants.
Students must request a High School Transcript from the Academic Advising office to take to NCTC. Students must pick-up a Dual-Credit Agreement Form from their Academic Advisor to take to NCTC. Students must apply for admissions to NCTC at
Watch for enrollment deadlines at You must pay for the course and buy the textbook. You must enroll each semester!!!!!!!
LDHS Students are eligible for online classes for Dual Credit. These courses will be taken in the library, either with technology owned by LDHS, or the student enrolled in online courses. Students must speak with their Academic Advisor regarding online Dual Credit Courses.
You must drop the course by the deadline that will be posted on the NCTC web-site. You must go to NCTC to drop the course.