1 Kyushu GigaPOP Project ( QGPOP) Masaki Hirabaru / ISIT August 31, 2001
2 Miyazaki Kagoshima Oita ITRC JB (U Tokyo) IMnet ISIT Kyushu GigaPOP (QGPOP) and Related Pr ojects Tenjin Kyushu U. Kitakyushu APAN StarTAP (Chicago) 6REN/6bone 6TAP Michnet Internet2 AP Research Nets US Research Nets KANMON QBP QIC Araki’s Home Kumamoto Kyushu Inst. Tech. Nagasaki IIJ Saga Saga U. KIRI Oita U. JT QGPOP JGN QTNET CRL U. MichMerit Int’l Internet Performance Measurement and Analysis IPMA/MRT CAIRN Kyushu Inst. Design Momochi Radio Net Hirabaru’s Home KME Hitachi Kyushu Fukuoka Tower TransPAC CACAnet FNNC IIJ Kyushu NEC Comm. System Okamura’s Home FM Fukuoka Kyoto U. Hiroshima U. Osaka U. RIX (Intec)
3 True Internet: Broadband, Dedicated, and Global (End-to-End principle) Sharing a R&D infrastructure in the region = Research community Consortium of Universities, Industries, and Non-profit research institutions Kyushu GigaPOP Project (QGPOP) Built in parallel with commodity Internet A part of global Research Internet New Internet features (IPv6, Multicasting, QOS, Mobile IP, etc.) Dedicated R&D Internet
4 Operations 3 Years (2000-) Research Grant from TAO (MPHPT) 100,000 $US / year (Prof. Araki) Another Research Grant from JSPS (MEXT) (Prof. Okamura) Expected IPv6 Grant from TAO (Dr. Hirabaru) Led by Prof. Araki / ISIT and run by ISIT Project Promotion Dept.