Kicking off Accelerated Reader 2012-2013
How do I get started? Review your STAR Reading Summary Report GE is the student’s reading Grade Equivalent. IRL is the Instructional Reading Level. ZPD is Zone of Proximal Development. This tells you which reading level range is best your students’ growth.
Example This student reads independently at a 2.9 reading level (2nd grade, 9th month). His instructional level is 3.0 (beginning of 3rd grade). The best AR books for his growth are between 2.5 and 3.5 (ZPD). This information should be communicated to each student on an individual basis.
How do I set goals? Once you have each student’s ZPD, refer to your goal setting chart. We will only use the column under “Points per 9 weeks.” Find your student’s ZPD and follow the chart to his/her recommended goal. You may also adjust goals as you feel necessary.
Example The previous student had a ZPD of 2.5 – 3.5. His 9 weeks goal should be set around 11.5 points. Again, this is communicated on an individual basis. Help your students record their reading levels and goals in a creative way (bookmarks, charts, etc.).
For AR to track students’ progress toward goals, you must input them. First, click on “Record Books and Goals.”
Click on “Reading Practice Goals”
Click on “Select Marking Period”
Since AR will run through the rest of the year, select the 3 remaining six weeks periods: 4th, 5th, and 6th. Then click “Save.”
Use the drop- down menu to select the appropriate 6-weeks period Use the drop- down menu to select the appropriate 6-weeks period. Then click “set.” Now click on “Edit student goals” to input your students’ goals.
Now you can enter each goal. Don’t forget to click “Save”
Now your students are ready for AR quizzes! Once your student has read an AR book, he/she can log into the AR website to take a quiz. This can be done in the library or your classroom. Students will need their individual log-ins. All passwords are pre-set as “GMS.”
After each quiz, students will view and/or print a TOPS report After each quiz, students will view and/or print a TOPS report. You can keep track of his/her quiz results, points earned, and % to goal.
How do I get to the Accelerated Reader website ? Use the following URL: This takes you to the EISD Library Media Services Home page.
Click on “Log-in to Accelerated Reader”
**Save to your favorites for easy teacher and student access**
Any questions or assistance requests can be directed to your librarian Any questions or assistance requests can be directed to your librarian. Elsa Treviño ext. 8680