ACT II Figurative Language, Part II Personification, Allusion, Hyperbole, and Oxymoron
Agenda Bell Ringer Continue Figurative Language Notes Figurative Language Group Practice Continue Reading Act II Review CR outlines from last class Exit Slip Standard: L.9-10.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. Learning Target I can identify specific examples of figurative language and can analyze how an author’s use of those elements contribute to the meaning of a specific work as a whole.
Bell Ringer Tone Practice: Identify the tone of the following passage. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley "I am not mad," [the monster] cried energetically, "the sun and the heavens, who have viewed my operations, can bear witness of my truth. I am the assassin of those most innocent victims; they died by my machinations. A thousand times would I have shed my own blood, drop by drop, to have saved their lives; but I could not, my father, indeed I could not sacrifice the whole human race." The speaker in this passage is the monster. What is the speaker’s tone? A) sorry/remorseful B) angry/vindictive C) humorous/happy
Allusion An allusion is an indirect reference to a person, event or piece of literature.
Hyperbole An extreme exaggeration used for literary emphasis.
OXYMORON When two words that seem to be contradictory are placed side by side. Examples: Beautiful mess Same difference Jumbo shrimp Civil War
Group Practice In your groups, create a dialogue (one page max) that utilizes ALL figurative devices that have been discussed today: Personification Allusion Hyperbole Oxymoron EXAMPLE: Girl: I HAVE HAD THE WORST DAY IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Boy: What happened? Girl: I was walking to school this morning when my backpack decided to split open and throw all my stuff on the sidewalk. Boy: Ain’t nobody got time for that! Girl: And then my stupid smartphone fell out on the floor! Boy: You poor thing.
CR OUtlines Remember, that not all writing tasks are the same. While some will focus on how literary elements show a character relationship, others may ask you to do something different. What are various literary elements you may be asked to analyze? What are different tasks that you may be asked to complete?
CR OUtlines What are various literary elements you may be asked to analyze? Figurative language (What are examples of figurative language?) Imagery Characterization Irony Repetition Persuasive Appeals Diction (word choice) and Syntax (sentence structure) What are different tasks that you may be asked to complete? Characterize the narrator (or a character’s) relationship with another character. The author or narrator’s attitude toward a person, place, or thing. What is another word for an author’s attitude? The theme or purpose of a text. What are other words for theme or purpose?
CR Outline Write an essay that analyzes how the author uses figurative language to develop the theme of this poem. Write an essay that identifies and explains how figurative language (similes, metaphors, imagery, etc.) are used to explain the meaning of the poem or what the author is trying to say about people/life. In the poem, “Those Winter Sundays,” the poet uses imagery to explain that people may not always appreciate what they have.
CR OUTLINE In the poem, “Those Winter Sundays,” the poet uses imagery to explain that people may not always appreciate what they have. In the poem, imagery is used to show that people do not always appreciate what they have. For example, the poet creates an image of the father’s early morning routine when he says “Sundays too my father got up early/ and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold/ then with cracked hands that ached/ from labor in the weekday weather made/ banked fires blaze.” Later on in the passage, it describes the son with the image of “I’d wake and hear the cold splintering breaking. / When the rooms were warm he’d call, /and slowly I would rise and dress.” By creating these contrasting images, the poet shows that while the father continued to work hard even on his days off, the boy reaped the rewards and only woke up after his father had completed the work and warmed the house for him. Because he was young and used to this behavior, he took it for granted and never realized (until he got older) what his father actually did for him. This shows that the young boy was well taken care of but did not truly appreciate it until he was older.
Romeo and Juliet Act II scene i
Act II, prologue and scene i 1. According to the Chorus, what has happened to Romeo’s old love? 2. What is his new problem? 3. What line in the Prologue suggests that these young people fell in love at first sight? 4. In line 13, Mercutio makes an allusion (a reference to a character, symbol, or place in another work of literature). What is this allusion and what is his purpose in making it? 5. How does Mercutio try to taunt Romeo in order to get him to come out of hiding? What does Mercutio think is the reason for Romeo’s delay?
Act II, scene ii Juliet is on the balcony outside her bedroom but cannot hear the words that Romeo says to himself as he looks at her from the hiding place below. To what does he compare Juliet? In lines 38-49, what can you infer about Juliet’s character based on her attitude concerning the feud between the two families? After Romeo reveals himself to Juliet, what sudden change occurs in her attitude in lines 85-106? What is her motivation for feeling this way? Why does Juliet object to Romeo’s swearing on the moon (lines 109- 111)? Juliet speaks of her fears in lines 116-119. Explain. In lines 142-146, what does Juliet ask Romeo to do? What can you infer about her character based on this?
Romeo and juliet Act II scenes ii-iii
ACT II Reading expectations Follow along as we read – No heads down and no sleeping. Respect your classmates as we read – do not talk when someone is reading. No cellphones or iPods. All technology is to be put away unless Ms. Stokes or Ms. Vogler gives permission.
Act II scene iii-iv assignment In Friar Laurence’s soliloquy (long speech made by a character alone on stage), he uses several images referring to night that are quite different from the night images used in Act 2, sc. 2 by Romeo. Why does Friar Laurence describe night in this way? What purpose does the Friar’s speech reveal? What details develop this idea? What does Romeo tell Friar Laurence, and what does he want from the Friar (lines 43-64)? What is Friar Laurence’s reaction to hearing of Romeo’s new love (lines 65- 80) What reason does Friar Laurence give for agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet? What message does Romeo urge the nurse to give to Juliet (lines 163-166)?
Exit Slip Read the following line and answer the questions that follow: “She was as useful as concrete slippers in a swimming pool” What type of figurative device is used? What does the author mean? How does the figurative device (from #1) affect the overall meaning? How does it affect the reader and help him/her better understand the meaning? Compose another sentence using a figurative device (personification, hyperbole, oxymoron, allusion, simile, metaphor, etc.) that has a similar effect.