Global warming is increase of average world temperature due to increase in CO2 Global warming causes greenhouse effect Certain gases in the atmosphere act like glass in a greenhouse allowing sunlight through to heat the earths surface As the greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere the earth gets hotter
The gases that contributes to the greenhouse effect are called greenhouse gases Other greenhouse gases are --- METHANE,NITROUS OXIDE OR N2O,CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS OR CFCS
When a vent in the earths crust through which molten rocks, gases and steam force their way out to the surface of the earth which is known as volcano erupts is called volcanic eruption It causes due to global warming and the different materials erupted by volcanoes accumulate and form volcanic mountains
The shaking and vibration of earths surface resulting from sudden movements inside the earths crust is called an earthquake It is also an effect of global warming which causes destruction to life and property
THE OTHER DEADLIEST EFFECTS OF GLOBAL WARMING ARE Spread of disease 2. Polar ice caps melting
As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them Some scientists believe that in some countries because of global warming malaria has not been fully eradicated
The ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger It will raise sea levels according to National Snow and Ice Data Center if glaciers melt the sea would rise 230 feet 2. Melting ice caps will throw the global ecosystem out of balance 3. Temperature rises and changes landscape into artic circle only adaptable survive