Surface Sr. Design Week 7
What You Should Have Distances to Mill and Leach as a Function of Depth Cycle Time Calculations for Proposed Truck Fleets. Beginning of Dump Layouts Costs for Trucks and Shovels
What to Get this Week Get your exact pit reserves by bench and grade in each phase of mining –Pitres is now ready to go. Complete your phased dump development and distances Size your truck and Loader fleet for ore leach and waste
Identify Ancillary Equipment Identify what types of mobile equipment you will need for all operations –Examples Drills and explosives trucks for blasting Road graders for road maint. FEL for cleaning up shovel spills or other materials handling Dozers? Explain how materials handling will work at the mill, leach, and dump –Identify the type of equipment –Estimate the type and size needed –Get cost estimates
Other Operations Definitions Prepare a plan for your ore or waste drilling and blasting Identify time needed for various operations Identify how many drills and explosives trucks Identify supplies Quantify your blasting costs
Road Maintenance Identify the length of haul roads you must maintain at each stage of the mine life –We will use this to get estimates of road maintenance costs
Suggestions By End of Today give Matt the tonnage schedule for waste –Matt develops the schedule for waste dump development –Matt picks out the equipment needed for his operation. Both Teams run Pitres today One Team assigns a person to figure out the blasting costs One Team assigns someone to get the materials handling plan at the mill and the leach
Rest of the Team Each team uses one person to get detailed schedule of truck and loader movements for each phase While getting cycle times and fleet sizes they define the length of road to be maintained This one person on each team trims the pits to fit the topography and gets a single surface This one person also gets a list of mobile equipment and prices.
Proposal Use rest of class period to get run pitres and develop schedules for waste – me copies of your waste removal schedule I will present more how too material on Wednesday –Let me know if you need blast costing instructions –Otherwise I will present write-up instructions.