Subpart R: Standard Overview 1926.750
Key Provisions Of The Revised Subpart R Standard Requires fall protection at 15 feet Exception: Connecting and Decking Zone Includes a Multiple Lift Rigging Procedure for up to five structural members Requires that shear connectors be installed after the structural member is erected Requires that decking holes and openings not be cut until essential to the construction process Requires a minimum of four anchor rods (anchor bolts) on all columns
Key Provisions Of The Revised Subpart Standard (cont) Requires controlling contractors to notify steel erectors of repairs or modifications to anchor rods (anchor bolts) Addresses “double connections,” installation of steel joists, and landing of loads to avoid collapses during steel erection Addresses slippery surfaces on beams and decking Contains a separate section on Systems Engineered Buildings
Phase-In of Certain Requirements Building Construction: Building Permit obtained prior to January 18, 2001 Where Steel Erection began on or before September 16, 2001 Bridge Construction: Bridge Project has a contract date before January 18, 2001 Steel Erection began before September 16, 2001
Key Provisions Of The Revised Subpart R Standard Requires controlling contractors to provide adequate site access and adequate storage space to the steel erector Requires a stabilizer plate on columns for tie joist (TJ) and joist girders to provide an attachment point for guying or plumbing up of cables Provides guidelines for a non-mandatory site specific erection plan
Key Provisions Of The Revised Subpart R Standard Requires fall protection training for all employees exposed to fall hazards Allows a Controlled Decking Zone for decking installations at heights of 15-30 feet Requires controlling contractor to provide overhead protection or not allow construction underneath steel erection activities
Subpart R - Final Rule The Steel Erection Rule was published on January 18, 2001. Effective date January 18, 2002
1926.750 Scope: This subpart sets forth requirements to protect employees from the hazards associated with steel erection activities involved in: Construction, alteration, and/or repair of single and multi-story buildings, bridges, and other structures where steel erection occurs.
Single story building
Multi-story building
Bridge construction
1926.750 Scope and Application (cont) Hoisting Connecting Welding Guying/Bracing Bolting Plumbing/Rigging Steel joists and metal buildings Installing metal deck, curtain walls, window walls, siding systems Miscellaneous metals Ornamental iron Similar metals Moving point to point
Ironworker using rope grabs to make tower connection. Scope (cont.) Does not include: Electrical transmission towers, communication and broadcast towers, Tanks Ironworker using rope grabs to make tower connection.
Duties of Controlling Contractor under this subpart Written notification to the steel erector: Concrete in piers/walls is cured re ASTM spec Modifications/repairs to anchor bolts approved by project engineer (.752(a); .755(b)) Adequate on-site access roads (.752(c)) Preclude work below steel erection unless there is overhead protection (.759(b)) Choose whether to accept responsibility for maintaining fall protection equipment left by steel erector (otherwise must be removed) (.760(e))
1926.752 Site Layout, Erection Plan and Construction Sequence Approval to begin steel erection: Curing of concrete 752(a) Repairs/modifications to anchor bolts 755(b) Site layout Adequate roads into and through the site 752(c)(1) Adequate space for the safe storage of materials 752(c)(2) Pre-plan hoisting operations 753(d) Modifications made to site-specific plan if equivalent protection is provided. Safety latches on hooks activated 753(c)(5) Landing decking on steel joists (.757(e)(4))
§1926.750 (c) Specific Controlling Contractor Duties Written notification to the steel erector: Concrete in piers/walls is cured re: ASTM spec Anchor belt modifications/repairs approved by project engineer (.752(a) and .755(b)
§1926.750(c) Specific Controlling Contractor Duties Adequate on-site access roads [.752(c)] Before and after photos
§1926.750(c) Specific Controlling Contractor Duties Preclude work below steel erection unless there is overhead protection [.759(b)] Choose whether to accept responsibility for maintaining fall protection equipment left by erector (otherwise it must be removed) [.760(e)]
Competent Person Means one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
Connector An employee who, working with hoisting equipment, is placing and connecting structural members and/or components.
Controlling Contractor Means a prime contractor, general contractor, construction manager or any other legal entity which has the overall responsibility for the construction of the project -- its planning, quality and completion.
Qualified person One who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
Shear Connector Headed steel studs, steel bars, steel lugs, and similar devices which are attached to a structural member for the purpose of achieving composite action with concrete.
Site-Specific Erection Plan Requires pre-planning of key erection elements, including coordination with controlling contractor before erection begins, in certain circumstances.
Steel Erection Construction, alteration or repair of steel buildings, bridges and other structures, including the installation of metal decking and all planking used during the process of erection.
§1926.752 Site Layout, Erection Plan and Construction Sequence Certification of: Proper curing of concrete in footings, piers, etc. for steel columns Anchor bolt repairs, modifications Pre-plan hoisting operations
1926.753 Hoisting and Rigging Provisions of 1926.550 apply to hoisting and rigging (except 1926.550(g)(2) (note: OSHA adopted 1994 ANSI B-30.5 for subpart R only) Pre-shift visual inspections of cranes 753(c) Working under loads 753(d) Multiple lift rigging procedures 753(e) Maximum of five members hoisted Only beams and similar structural members lifted Employees trained in accordance with 761(c)(1) No lift if contrary to manufacturer’s specifications and limitations
Multiple lift rigging (cont) Rigging must be specifically designed with a 5 to 1 safety factor Multiple lift rigging assembly must be rigged with members at their center of gravity and maintained reasonably level Rigged from top to bottom and rigged at least 7 feet apart Members must be set from the bottom up
1926.754 Structural Steel Assembly Provides specific work practices for: Maintaining structural stability 754(b) Landing deck bundles 757(e)(4) Minimizing fall hazards in interior openings 754(b)(3) Walking/working surface requirements: Tripping hazards: shear connectors (and similar projections) generally prohibited until decking is down 754(c)(1)(ii) Slip resistance: criteria for painted structural steel members (effective 5 years after the rest of standard) 754(c)(3)
Structural Steel (cont) Roof and floor holes and openings: Framed metal deck openings must have structural members turned down to allow for continuous deck installation Elevator shafts, stair wells, etc., must be decked over or employees must be protected in accordance with 760(a)(1) Metal decking holes and openings must not be cut until immediately prior to being permanently filled Gaps around columns must be covered
Structural Steel (cont) Metal decking: Metal decking must be laid tightly and secured immediately upon placement except as provided in 760(c) Derrick floor must be decked and/or planked and the steel member connections completed to support the intended load Loads placed on the derrick floor must be distributed over the underlying support members to prevent local overloading
§1926.754 Structural Steel Assembly Covers for floor or roof openings shall be secured and marked with the word HOLE or COVER No securement or marking to indicate the opening. Cover marked and secured
Derrick Floor Diagram
1926.755 Column Anchorage Minimum of 4 anchor rods (anchor bolts) Set on level finished floor, pre-grouted leveling plates, leveling nuts, or shim packs Competent person will determine whether guying or bracing is needed Engineer of record will approve all repairs/replacements or modifications of anchor rods (anchor bolts)
1926.755 Column Anchorage Column would not align with the j-bolts so the steel erector cut holes and welded tabs to hold column.
1926.756 Beams and Columns Two bolts per connection prior to releasing hoisting line (competent person will determine if more than two are needed) Diagonal bracing (solid web) will be secured by at least one bolt per connection Safe procedures/devices for making double connections at columns Requirements to facilitate quick installation of perimeter safety cables: Column attachments or holes in columns for perimeter safety cables Column splice height and strength specified
§1926.756 Beams and Columns One bolt is installed wrench tight.Two will be installed. The spud wrench holds the beam until the other connector can make his initial connection.
§1926.756 Beams and Columns Requires one bolt to remain connected for double connections unless seat or equivalent used Seats for double connections shall be designed for the load during the double connection process
1926.757 Open Web Steel Joists Addresses proper joist end attachment, erection procedures General requirements for the erection of steel joists Stabilization of joists (vertical stabilizer plate) Holes in joists/bolting required for joists in 40’+ bays Requirements for landing and placing loads on joists Some requirements may be modified through a site-specific erection plan
Workers making initial connection from two arial lifts. §1926.757 Open Web Steel Joists Hoisting cables not be released until field bolted. A vertical stabilizer plate required for each column for steel joists. Workers making initial connection from two arial lifts.
1926.758 System-Engineered Metal Buildings All requirements of this subpart apply to erection except 755 (column anchorage) and 757 (open web steel joists) Minimum of 4 anchor rods (anchor bolts) for structural columns Rigid frames will have 50 percent of their bolts or the number of bolts specified by the manufacturer (which ever is greater) installed and tightened before the hoisting equipment is released
System-Engineered Metal Buildings (cont) Loads being placed on structural steel prior to bolting or welding Girt and eave strut-to-frame connections Steel joists/cold-formed joists Using purlins as walking/working surfaces Load placement within 8 feet of support member
1926.759 Falling Object Protection Secure loose items aloft Controlling contractor to bar other operations below steel erection unless falling object protection provided
Ironworkers have material secured in aerial lift §1926.759 Falling Object Protection (does not apply to materials being hoisted) Ironworkers have material secured in aerial lift
1926.760 Fall Protection All must be protected at heights greater than 2 stories or 30 feet, including connectors and deckers Between 15 and 30 feet: Fall protection required for all with exceptions for: Deckers in controlled decking zone (CDZ) and Connectors Connectors must be provided and wear equipment necessary to be able to be tied-off, or be provided with other means of fall protection
1926.760 Fall Protection (cont.) Controlled decking zone: Max Dimensions 90’ by 90’ For leading edge decking work limited access designated boundaries by control lines Work practices for attaching deck: install safety attachments from leading edge back no final attachments allowed in CDZ up to 3000 SF of unsecured decking specific training requirements
1926.760 Fall Protection (cont.) Perimeter cables required Must be installed “as soon as the metal decking has been installed” Custody of Fall Protection Equipment: Controlling contractor must choose to either: accept responsibility for maintaining fall protection equipment left by erector, OR ensure that it is removed (.760(e))
Ironworker using the “beemer”system of fall arrest. §1926.760 Fall Protection Ironworker using the “beemer”system of fall arrest.
§1926.760 Fall Protection (cont.) Guardrails and nets used at opening in back Note: ladder not long enough
§1926.761 Training Qualified person to train workers in use & operation of fall protection equipment Qualified person to train workers engaged in specific activities: “christmas-treeing connecting CDZ procedures
OSHA’s Web Site The complete standard can be obtained from our web site at
Appendices A-Guidelines for site-specific erection plan (NM) B-Slip-resistance test methods (NM) C-Illustrations of bridging terminus points (NM) D-Control lines for controlled decking zones (NM)
Appendices E-Training compliance (NM) F-Perimeter safety cables (NM) G-Fall protection system criteria (M) H-Double connection illustrations (NM)
The End
Adequate roads for safe delivery of cranes
Adequate space for storage of materials
Pre shift visual inspections of cranes
Multiple lift rigging
Multiple lift rigging
Shear connector
Framed metal deck openings Must be turned down to allow continuous deck installation except where not allowed by structural design.
Safety deck attachment
System-Engineered Metal Buildings Minimum of four anchor rods (anchor bolts) for structural columns
Shim Packs
Field modification of anchor rod
Two bolts per connection
Diagonal bracing Solid web structural members used as diagonal bracing must be secured by at least one bolt per connection drawn up wrench tight or the equivalent as specified by the project’s structural engineer on record.
Column attachments for safety cable
Column splice
Vertical stabilizer plate
Bolted joists
Systems-Engineered Metal Buildings Rigid frames will have 50% of their bolts or the number of bolts specified by the manufacturer (whichever is greater) installed and tightened before the hoisting equipment is released
Construction load
Girt and eave strut-to-frame connections
Falling object protection Secure all loose items aloft
Controlled Decking Zone (CDZ)