Quality/Performance Improvement Fundamentals Testing, Spreading, Implementing and Sustaining July 30, 2013 Pat Teske, RN,MHA (661)
Testing, Spreading, Implementing & Sustaining 2 Date – 7/30/13 Time – 10:30 – 11:30 Today’s Topics – Hearing from your colleagues about: Testing new approaches Spreading tested ideas Implement that sticks – Building a sustainability plan Date – 7/30/13 Time – 10:30 – 11:30 Today’s Topics – Hearing from your colleagues about: Testing new approaches Spreading tested ideas Implement that sticks – Building a sustainability plan
Skill Building 3 Skill building due to NF by 8/7/13 Complete your sustainability plan – Send to network facilitator Skill building post webinar call 8/14/ :30-11:30 Skill building due to NF by 8/7/13 Complete your sustainability plan – Send to network facilitator Skill building post webinar call 8/14/ :30-11:30
Sustainability Plan Template
Let’s try it Raise your hand and chat
Please don’t put us on hold
HEN Topics ADE CAUTI CLABSI EED Falls with Injury HAPUs OB Adverse events Readmisions VAE VTE SSI 7
Sharing the Journey
The Science of Innovation Sharing Successes
Which example will you be?
Is this your project? Or is this your project?
Definition sus ⋅ tain 1.to keep up or keep going, as an action or process: to sustain a conversation. 2.to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure. 3.to bear (a burden, charge, etc.). 4.to undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding. sus ⋅ tain 1.to keep up or keep going, as an action or process: to sustain a conversation. 2.to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure. 3.to bear (a burden, charge, etc.). 4.to undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding.
Quality Definition Things don’t deteriorate when: 1.You move onto another project 2.It isn’t mentioned in a newsletter, memo or 3.TJC creates a new NPSG 4.The CEO stops asking about it 5.The quality director/team leader/champion moves to the east coast Things don’t deteriorate when: 1.You move onto another project 2.It isn’t mentioned in a newsletter, memo or 3.TJC creates a new NPSG 4.The CEO stops asking about it 5.The quality director/team leader/champion moves to the east coast
What’s your sustainability plan?
Your thoughts..
Support Monitor Hard Wire Train Components of Sustainability
Organizational Support Executive Support = $ + timeOversight Transition Planning
Ongoing Monitoring What?How often?Who?Threshold for action?Action?
Training Who needs to be trained? Who, how and when will the training be done? What is included in the training?
Hard Wire Make failure obviousLook for weak signals of failureBroad participation in designProcess mapping to understand weaknesses
Other Considerations: e.g. TechnologyCultureMandates with accountabilitySharing & communicating
Next Steps
Sustainability – Skill Building 24 Skill building due to NF by 8/7/13 Develop a sustainability plan – Send to network facilitator Skill building post webinar call 8/14/13, 10:30- 11:30 Skill building due to NF by 8/7/13 Develop a sustainability plan – Send to network facilitator Skill building post webinar call 8/14/13, 10:30- 11:30
Any more questions?