May 2005IVOA Kyoto1 Support Interfaces Ani Thakar, William O’Mullane Johns Hopkins University T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY.


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Presentation transcript:

May 2005IVOA Kyoto1 Support Interfaces Ani Thakar, William O’Mullane Johns Hopkins University T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY

May 2005IVOA Kyoto2 Where are we ? Minor changes sugested after Pune asked for (done) Need Logging Implementation (done) Which fields are mandetory in log Ani updated doc - ridAndWebServices/VOSupportInterfaces pdf

May 2005IVOA Kyoto3 getRegistration Method to return VOResource Make service the owner of the MetaData Could be used by registry: –Register only the base url –Registry calls MetaData creates the entry –Registry may then refresh periodically

May 2005IVOA Kyoto4 getAvailability - Mandatory Is service alive? –Needs to be more than a ping service should check databases etc. UpTime ValidTo – planned downtime

May 2005IVOA Kyoto5 Logging Per service or for group of servives Could be ip-restricted – Talk from Ani (Given by Maria)

May 2005IVOA Kyoto6 SupportIF 0.22 EXEC want PR – can we go ahead ?