Creating an IFQ Groundfish Landing Report in eLandings
2 Creating an IFQ groundfish landing report Step 1: Enter vessel, permit, and location information Use the stat area worksheet when harvest is proportional in all areas
3 Step 2: Enter Itemized Catch
4 Step 4: Submit Initial Report Step 3: Allocate Permits if you haven’t assigned itemized catch to fish tickets Step 5: Generate IFQ reports
5 Step 6. Submit IFQ reports & print receipts
6 Step 7: Submit Final Report & print fish ticket(s)
7 eLandings Reporting Sequence
8 Stacked permits Same species and different species
9 Ambiguous stat areas
10 Specify IPHC area for ambiguous area
11 Overages
12 Reporting manually landed IFQ catch Data Clerks , option #1
13 Editing a landing due to manual IFQ DO NOT generate another IFQ report if you already did a manual landing. You will double debit the IFQ!
14 How to delete an unsubmitted IFQ report
15 When one species is collected at a different stat area than those entered in the stat area worksheet When to enter stat area in itemized catch section
16 1. When a specific amount of catch is allocated to an overage or personal use 2. When a fisher wishes to be the particular seller of a specific product When to select a fish ticket in the itemized catch section
17 When to assign an area/fishery in IFQ permit worksheet 1. When the max-out feature is used 2. When an IFQ permit has catch allocated to two different areas
18 IFQ Permit Report
19 When to use max-out field in IFQ permit worksheet The permit holder wants to allocate a specific IFQ weight to his permit NOTE: At least two IFQ permits must be entered and the Area/Fishery has to be entered on the max-out permit line
20 IFQ Permit Reports