Presented by Dennis Lind MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2013 SPRING HILL ISD STAAR End-of-Course Parent Meeting
SENATE BILL 1031 Requires end-of-course (EOC) assessment instruments in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English I, English II, English III, World Geography, World History and United States History. The purpose of the EOC exams are to measure student’s academic performance in core high school courses. The EOC exams are also part of graduation requirements beginning with the freshman class of 2011–2012.
NEW ASSESSMENT DESIGN “Fewer, Deeper, clearer” focus Linked to college and career readiness Will emphasize “readiness” standards, defined as those TEKS considered critical for success in the current grade/subject Will include other TEKS that are considered supporting standards that will be assessed
C HALLENGES ASSOCIATED WITH STAAR T ESTING … More items per assessment More assessment days per calendar year Significantly more rigorous, greater depth and complexity Focus on preparation for high school and college and career readiness 4 hour time limit for testing
RAW SCORE CONVERSION TABLES Raw Score-how many questions answered correctly Scale Score Conversion Table-how the raw score will be “converted” or changed into a scale score
WRITING STAAR EOC ASSESSMENTS Level I - Minimum Score – (students must meet or exceed the Level I score to count toward the cumulative score) ENG I Writing ENG II Writing ENG III Writing Level II – Satisfactory Performance 1875 Level III – Advanced Academic Performance ENG I Writing ENG II Writing ENG III Writing Cumulative score requirement 5625 (1875 x 3 = 5625)
READING STAAR EOC ASSESSMENTS Level I - Minimum Score – (students must meet or exceed the Level I score to count toward the cumulative score) ENG I Reading ENG II Reading ENG III Reading Level II – Satisfactory Performance 1875 Level III – Advanced Academic Performance ENG I Reading ENG II Reading ENG III Reading Cumulative score requirement 5625 (1875 x 3 = 5625)
MATHEMATICS STAAR EOC ASSESSMENTS Level I - Minimum Score – (students must meet or exceed the Level I score to count toward the cumulative score) Algebra I – 3371 Geometry – 3362 Algebra II – 3350 Level II – Satisfactory Performance 3500 Level III – Advanced Academic Performance Algebra I – 4333 Geometry – 4397 Algebra II – 4080 Cumulative score requirement (3500 x 3 = 10500)
Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Will have 5 griddable questions Will use new grid NEW GRID TO BE USED IN ALL MATH EOC TESTS:
8 TH G RADERS T AKING A LGEBRA I If your child is taking Algebra I as an 8 th grader they will be assessed on STAAR EOC ALGEBRA I, NOT 8 th grade STAAR MATH If you are enrolled in a course that has a STAAR EOC test you are required to take the EOC assessment regardless of your graduation plan.
SCIENCE STAAR EOC ASSESSMENTS Level I - Minimum Score – (students must meet or exceed the Level I score to count toward the cumulative score) Biology Chemistry Physics Level II – Satisfactory Performance 3500 Level III – Advanced Academic Performance Biology Chemistry Physics Cumulative score requirement (3500 x 3 = 10500)
SOCIAL STUDIES STAAR EOC ASSESSMENTS Level I - Minimum Score – (students must meet or exceed the Level I score to count toward the cumulative score) World Geography – 3383 World History – 3326 US History – 3372 Level II – Satisfactory Performance 3500 Level III – Advanced Academic Performance World Geography World History US History Cumulative score requirement (3500 x 3 = 10500)
A SSESSMENT R ELATED G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS : C LASS OF 2015, 2016 ProgramLevel II Cut ScoreCumulative Score Requirement Additional Requirements MHSP1875 for English 3500 for mathematics, science, and social studies 11700* for English (# of assessments) X 3750 for mathematics, science, and social studies Student must meet or exceed the phase-in 1 minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score RHSP1875 for English 3500 for mathematics, science, and social studies 11700* for English 11250** for mathematics, science, and social studies Student must meet or exceed the phase-in 1 minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score Student must achieve a scale score of at least 1875 on English III reading and writing Student must achieve a scale score of at least 3500 on Algebra II. DAP1875 for English 3500 for mathematics, science, and social studies 11700* for English 11250** for mathematics, science, and social studies Student must meet or exceed the phase-in 1 minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score Student must achieve a scale score of at least 2135 on English III reading Student must achieve a scale score of at least 2155 on English III writing Student must achieve a scale score of at least 4080 on Algebra II. *This cumulative score requirement is based on 6X1875=11250 for the English (reading and writing) content area. **This cumulative score requirement is based on 3X3500=10500 for the math, science, and social studies content area.
ProgramLevel II Cut ScoreCumulative Score Requirement Additional Requirements MHSP1950 for English 3750 for mathematics, science, and social studies 11700* for English (# of assessments) X 3750 for mathematics, science, and social studies Student must meet or exceed the phase-in 2 minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score RHSP1950 for English 3750 for mathematics, science, and social studies 11700* for English 11250** for mathematics, science, and social studies Student must meet or exceed the phase-in 2 minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score Student must achieve a scale score of at least 1950 on English III reading and writing Student must achieve a scale score of at least 3750 on Algebra II. DAP1950 for English 3750 for mathematics, science, and social studies 11700* for English 11250** for mathematics, science, and social studies Student must meet or exceed the phase-in 2 minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score Student must achieve a scale score of at least 2356 on English III reading Student must achieve a scale score of at least 2300 on English III writing Student must achieve a scale score of at least 4411 on Algebra II. *This cumulative score requirement is based on 6X1950=11700 for the English (reading and writing) content area. **This cumulative score requirement is based on 3X3750=11250 for the math, science, and social studies content area. A SSESSMENT R ELATED G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS : C LASS OF 2017, 2018
ProgramLevel II Cut ScoreCumulative Score Requirement Additional Requirements MHSP2000 for English 4000 for mathematics, science, and social studies 12000* for English (# of assessments) X 4000 for math, science, and social studies Student must meet or exceed the final minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score RHSP2000 for English 4000 for mathematics, science, and social studies 12000* for all content areas Student must meet or exceed the final minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score Student must achieve a scale score of at least 2000 on English III reading and writing Student must achieve a scale score of at least 4000 on Algebra II. DAP2000 for English 4000 for mathematics, science, and social studies 12000* for all content areas Student must meet or exceed the final minimum score for each EOC assessment for the score to count toward the cumulative score Student must achieve a scale score of at least 2356 on English III reading Student must achieve a scale score of at least 2300 on English III writing Student must achieve a scale score of at least 4411 on Algebra II. *This cumulative score requirement is based on 6 X 2000=12000 for the English (reading and writing) content area and 3 X 4000 = for the mathematics, science, and social studies content areas. A SSESSMENT R ELATED G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS : C LASS OF 2019 AND B EYOND
SUMMER 2013… Accelerated Instruction(tutorials) for those students who did not meet Level 2- Satisfactory Performance Retesting - Each December & July July 8-English I Writing July 9-English I Reading July 10-English II Writing July 11-English II Reading July 15-19: Alg 1, Geom, Alg. 2, Biology, Chemistry, W. Geography, W. History
FALL 2013… Accelerated Instruction- Connections classes required for those students who did not meet Level II – Satisfactory (3500 or 1875) Retesting Window: December of 2013.