UAF Ph.D. Programs Dr. Robert A. Perkins, PE Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Alaska Fairbanks
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What is a Ph. D.? “The Doctor of Philosophy Degree is granted in recognition of scholarly attainment and proven ability.” (UAF Catalog) It is a research degree Candidate must complete a thesis A substantial contribution to the body of knowledge in the area. (UAF Catalog)
Thesis A thesis is not: An engineering report, describing something, or An essay expressing the author’s opinion, A thesis must test a hypothesis or several Chapters of the thesis must be suitable for “peer review” publications. ASCE Construction Engineering and Management
Requirements Most detailed requirements are set by the student’s Graduate Advisory Committee. Always a comprehensive exam Defense of thesis.
Time required At least three years of full-time work for students who have relevant M.S. Often longer.
Two Programs Interdisciplinary Ph.D. (INDS) Engineering Ph.D.
With INDS application Must have Graduate Study Plan Preliminary Research statement. Suggest Committee
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. The initial “department” is the UAF Graduate School The UAF Graduate School Dean supervises the program. Student is assigned to a regular academic department Usually the home department of the student’s advisor.
INDS Admissions Committee The committee is a standing committee of the Graduate School. Has two engineers out of seven members Will look closely at GSP and Research Statement (and GRE’s)
INDS Graduate Advisory Committee Will have at least one member from a different department Committee must be approved by: Department Chair of home department Dean of home college Dean of Graduate School
Engineering Ph.D. New degree approved by Board of Regents in December Recognizes six “emphasis areas” Arctic, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Management, Environmental, and Mechanical. Must have B.S. or M.S. in ABET engineering to be admitted “Should” have M.S. to be admitted Could have B.S. in ME and M.S. in physics. Possible to just have B.S., but this would be rare.
Admissions Committee Six members, all engineering faculty One is from UAA Wants GSP and Research Proposal A home department chair that recommends the student. Process managed by an “oversight committee” which develops procedures.
General Requirement for Engineering Ph.D. Degree A candidate for the Ph.D. is expected to complete 18 credits of course work beyond the M.S. degree (per Engineering Ph.D.). Earning a minimum of 18 graduate UAF credits (per UAF General Requirements). These could be “thesis credits.”
Intercampus Collaboration Approved by UAF Faculty Senate us.html
There shall be at least four faculty members on the Graduate Advisory Committee for each UAF Ph.D. student. At least two committee members shall be UAF faculty. One of the UAF committee members must be on a tenure-track appointment in a Ph.D. granting department. The Graduate Advisory Committee and its chair and co-chair must be approved by the program director and the Graduate Dean. UAF rules and regulations on graduate studies shall apply to all UAF graduate students, including those concurrently enrolled at UAA or UAS.
The Graduate Advisory Committee must meet at least once a year to update the Graduate Study Plan and to review the student's progress toward the degree. The annual progress report must be signed by all committee members and submitted to the UAF Graduate Dean. A comprehensive exam committee composed of the student's advisory committee and an additional member if appointed by the Graduate Dean will administer the Ph.D. comprehensive exam for each student. The PhD thesis defense is to be conducted on the UAF campus.
Advice Most Ph.D. students are supported by their advisor. About $20,000/year (half-time in school year and full-time in summer) plus tuition. Advisor must get that money from research grants. Sometimes get some seed grants for a year or two. Not practical to hold another job or work part-time
Advice Need to focus on research topic ASAP Need to find an advisor in your field that has funding Focus on publishing articles before your thesis. Choose your committee carefully Stay in close contact with all your committee. Discuss any changes in direction with all your committee.