DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Is for all students Make sure to let parents know how the classroom may be run Allow for time to interact in groups and individualized I believe that DI can be individualized as well Keeping students interested and engaged with different methods of learning similar topics
CON’T Implementing more Nonlinguistic Representations in my class Allowing students to be involved in feedback process
DI is for all students. Some people believe that it labels kids and parents do not want their child performing in it. I have had to talk with a parent about what this really was. Her child needed DI and she did not understand why. Once she realized that it was helping her child she was for it. It is important to let parents know about a teachers way of teaching students.
I believe that it is important for cooperative groups and individualized groups. Teaching first grade I thought groups would be fun and engaging. I have had a hard time with my students getting along in groups. It has been a surprise for me at such a small age. They have even been with different people and still not got along. So groups is hard to do in my room. I am still trying to do them it is just more of a challenge.
I do a lot of interactive things with centers and some of the centers are grouped during reading time. I also have individualized centers that work well. I have used think pair share and it has worked really well in my class
NONLINGUISTIC MODELS A model I would like to use more is a graphic organizer. It is really important for students to be familiar with them and I do not feel that I use them enough. We are starting to get into more subjects that I can use them in. A couple are cause and effect, and fact/opinion.
FEEDBACK PROCESS I try to give feedback on most all student papers but I do not do it in a quick enough manner. I am going to try to work on meeting with students on a one-to one basis more often. I am hoping that this will help them to give me feedback on how they think they may need to improve in. What would they like to improve more in?
CONCLUSION In conclusion DI is a very hot topic for all educators and whether or not some believe it is good or not all students should be given the opportunity to try new learning strategies.