Nuclear energy Fossil-fuel energy Hydroelectric energy Biomass energy Geothermal energy Wind energy Solar energy
Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, biomass, rain, oceans and geothermal heat. So the market for renewable energy technologies has continued to grow. Climate change concerns, coupled with high oil prices, peak oil, and increasing government support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization.
Coal, oil, natural gas (the so called “fossil fuels”) and uranium are non-renewable resources that once exhausted can never be returned to their original form. No doubt our planet is full of energy resources but it is our duty to exploit only those reserves that cannot cause harm to the environment.
Types of energyAdvantagesDisadvantages Sun energy Energy source is free; causes no pollution Expensive; supply of sunlight can be interrupted Wind energy Energy source is free; causes no pollution Only practical in areas with strong steady winds Hydroelectric energy Station cheap to operate; causes no pollution Stations can only be built in certain locations Geothermal energy Energy source is free; causes no pollution Only practical in a few locations Biomass energy The fuel tends to be cheap; less demand on the Earth’s resources By burning the fuel, it makes greenhouse gases
Types of energyAdvantagesDisadvantages Fossil – fuel energyEfficient, reliable Limited supply of fuel in the world; waste of resources; pollution Nuclear energy Requires little fuel; produces little air pollution Produces radioactive waste; stations expensive to build
-S-Sun energy -W-Wind energy -H-Hydroelectric energy -G-Geothermal energy -B-Biomass energy - Nuclear energy Nuclear energy - Fossil - fuel energy Fossil - fuel energy