Agency Setup Process 1. Review the DA-CPR training video: 2. Review the updated Data Dictionary (dated 10/21/13 on the CARES website: Review the DA-CPR dataset. 4. Review the training webinar for data entry: 5. Contact your respective CARES Program Associate or State Coordinator to have the DA-CPR module manually turned on and added to the current CARES form: 6. Begin data entry for the DA-CPR module by entering dispatch data on a new or existing CARES form.
Data Entry 1. To add dispatch data to a new CARES form, enter the pre-hospital data in the EMS section of the CARES form and then scroll down to find the Dispatch form under the General Comments box. 2. To add dispatch data to an existing CARES record, enter the desired search criteria (Service Date Range) on the CARES Search page under the eCARES tab and publish Search results. 3. Existing Records in need of dispatch data entry will display a green plus sign next to the Edit icon. Records where dispatch data has already been entered will have the plus sign removed. Records with dispatch data can be edited by clicking on the Edit icon and scrolling to the Dispatch section for updating. 4. Dispatch data can be entered at time of direct data entry or after extraction (for a site using the upload method).
Dataset Questions
Exporting Dispatch data 1. Perform a Search on the CARES Search page for your date of interest. 2. Sort results by ‘Date of Arrest’ by clicking on the column header. 3. In the ‘Send results to’ drop-down menu, select “Excel export of dispatch data” and click “Go”. 4. The search results can be opened or saved in an Excel document for further analysis.
Reports The following reports would be available under the ‘Reports’ tab within the CARES account: 1. % of cases correctly identified by dispatch center 2. Time from call receipt to Bystander CPR instruction being provided 3. Time from call receipt to first bystander compression
List of Resources Training video: Training webinar for data entry: Data Dictionary on the CARES website ( > Education/Resources tab> Dispatcher Assisted CPR Training