DIY FM: Bridging the AEC/FM Gap using Revit DB Link, ASP.NET, HTML, VB and Java Brandon Pike
What We’ll Cover Today Part 1- BIM/FM Data Input and Exchange using COBie –How have we gotten where we are today? –Crash course in COBie data models and data exchange –A look into the next generation of data exchange Part 2 - Let’s do it!! – Next Generation Data Transfer - Live Demonstration –Quick tour of a COBie-compliant Revit model –Use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to create a new SQL database –Use Revit DBLink to sync model data with the SQL Database –Use Visual Web Developer Express to create an application to broadcast SQL Server data across the web –Make data changes flow round trip throughout the system
1982 Autodesk Founded Releases AutoCAD v1.0 Paper Deliverables 1989 Microsoft Releases Office v1.0 AutoCAD to Microsoft Excel Paper Deliverables 1998 Autodesk Releases AutoCAD Architectural Desktop v1.0 ADT to Microsoft Excel Paper Deliverables 2000 Revit Tech. Corp. Releases Revit v1.0 Revit to Microsoft Excel Paper Deliverables 2010 Autodesk Releases Revit DBLink Revit to SQL Server Database Electronic Deliverables Bi-Directional Relationships Revit to Microsoft Excel Electronic Deliverables One-Way Data Transfer (some bi-directional) Revit to ODBC Export Electronic Deliverables One-Way Data Transfer Revit to IFC Export Electronic Deliverables One-Way Data Transfer A Blast from the Past!
COBie Process Overview Open Standards for: Building operational data parameters and information types Data exchange means and methods C onstruction O perations B uilding i nformation e xchange
COBie Process Overview
Model Data Non-Model Data Contacts Documents Build Common Job Spare Resource Design Issues Coordinates Attributes Connections O&M Zones Type Systems Components Spaces (and warranty) (and installation) Facility Floors COBie Process Overview
BIM Model export COBie Spreadsheet FM, O&M Platforms Build Design O&M BIM Model export IFC FM, O&M Platforms COBie Process Overview *
Revit Model AD E Web Application SQL Server OwOw OpOp C ont I COBie Process Overview
Part 2 - Let’s do it!! – Next Generation Data Transfer - Live Demonstration –Quick tour of a COBie-compliant Revit model –Use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to create a new SQL database –Use Revit DBLink to sync model data with the SQL Database –Use Visual Web Developer Express to create an application to broadcast SQL Server data across the web –Make data changes flow round trip throughout the system
Local instance of SQL Server 2008 Express –Or a slice of your corporate SQL Server SQL Server Management Studio 2008 r2 Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express Revit Architecture 2012 Revit DBLink Add-in for Revit Architecture 2012 Autodesk COBie Toolkit Standard Web Browser FREE Not-so Free… FREE Review Revit Model Web Application SQL Server
Questions? Brandon Pike