OpusCollege and Spring-DM
OSGi based web applications – three strategies OSGi container embedded in another container: OSGi Bridge Server (OBS) e.g. OSGi within Tomcat or Jetty controlled through a bridge servlet (for instance Equinox) front controller dispatches servlet requests to bundles OSGi container with a http-container on top of it PAX Web solution: only have an OSGi runtime with an HTTP-container (Jetty) on top of it OSGI container with all other services / servers /.. as bundles within it (complete Equinox solution)
OpusCollege -> choice OSGI container with all other services / servers /.. as bundles within it (complete Equinox solution)
OpusCollege -> choice Wait with implementation: Waiting for Apache Tomcat integration First implement first final core version First steps already now: Start with structuring the application through several projects (modules): first one is Fees module Bind the projects together with Ant -> one WAR- file But: only small changes necessary for implementation as separate bundles
OpusCollege – new structure Several projects: 1 repository-project: repository 1 or more modules: fee, scholarship 1 core-project: college 1 target-project: opus All projects have their own build.xml
OpusCollege – new structure Repository-project: All libraries (as jar-files) of the core- and module-projects Each library has a fixed structure with directories (see: mvnrepository.com) Eclipse build path: you have to select all jars for order and export
OpusCollege – new structure Module-project: Default structure (maven-based): Src/main/java Src/test/java Src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/modules/module-name Src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/module-name Has own configuration files: Org.uci.opus.module-name/application.xml (context) Org.uci.opus.module-name/messages.properties Src/main/webapp/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/modules/module-name/web- context.xml (applicationContext) Eclipse build path: Dependency towards core and repository project
OpusCollege – new structure Core-project: Has everything a module-project has Note: web-context.xml has some extra’s: InternalResourceViewResolver Interceptors: ModuleInterceptor ModuleMessagesRegistrar Extra (1): webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml With dispatcher-servlet: opus webapp/WEB-INF/log4jconf/ with debug.properties and warn.properties webapp/WEB-INF/jdbc.properties webapp/index.html
OpusCollege – new structure Core-project: Extra (2): org.uci.opus.college.module package: webapp/WEB-INF/SqlMapConfig.xml cannot be made statically, because it is build up dynamically: see CombinedSqlMapResource Number of modules is counted dynamically and used throughout the application: see Module and ModuleInterceptor Messages.properties files of core and modules are gathered together: see ModuleMessagesRegistrar
OpusCollege – project structure Target project: Nearly empty project, only with: Applications-directory: here you specify the application you want (with one or more modules). Every application has it’s own build.xml, that uses common- build/application-targets.xml Common-build-directory: here you specify the actions you have to perform for each application: application-targets.xml: Clean target-project, copy application-files, compile web-targets.xml: Create war-file Eclipse build path: dependency towards repository-project
Eclipse projects - ‘bundles’ Demo structure eclipse repository
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