1 TL Energizing The Team Space Paradox: great team players are excellent individual performers The Team Space: Highest Purpose Customer Service Basic Values Working Together Rules of Thumb Team Goals Staying Synchronized Rewards and R+ Interfaces Expectations Weaknesses Joint Activities Operational Support
2 Staying Connected to The Goals How we work together is a competitive advantage: We are quicker in how we set goals and react to events As events occur we know how to stay synchronized No doubts about quality of execution When we meet we stay focused on creating value and achieving our goals. Get rid of group/individual activities that destroy value Keep a sense of Return on your time Focus on creating value by achieving goals Adopt the personal disciplines embodied within the Team Charter and Goals Relieve underlying emotional tensions (mooses)
3 The Gift of Clarity The Best Vision For Your Team is One That Anticipates That forces Will Always Destroy Clarity While You Are Trying To Grow. This Means Spending Time With Your Team Updating goals, plans and tactics Creating simple, adaptable pictures to guide people as conditions change. Anticipating rather than solving problems. Resetting expectations at the start of leadership moments. Spending time listening to changing circumstances versus talking about them Responding quickly when people lose their sense of belonging. Recruiting people that are masters at solving new problems not old.