Nurturing the Nations Reclaiming the Dignity of Women in Building Healthy Cultures The World of Abused Women
The World’s Women Raped Battered Humiliated Aborted Impoverished Refugeed Abused Enslaved Murdered
Feminicide! The War Against Women!
What Killed Them? Infanticide Feticide Neglect Murder
What Does 100 Million Look Like? All the people who died of famine in the 20 th century The death toll in WW I & II combined 70% of the female population in the USA in 2003
The Biological Facts Worldwide 105 boys are born for each 100 girls* Biologically girls are generally stronger than boys. Women normally have lower death rates than men in the same age category. Women are normally more resistant to disease than men.
The Biological Facts (Cont.) Women typically outlive men. In the age category there are roughly the same number of women and men worldwide. Male populations are reduced through war.
Biological Conclusion If women were treated with the dignity and respect they deserve, they would out number men in the world.
Ratio Women to Men Worldwide ratio 98 for 100 men Nepal94.8 Turkey94.8 Afghanistan 94.5 Bangladesh94.1 Bhutan93.3 India92.9
Ratio Women to Men (Cont.) Papua New Guinea92.8 Pakistan 92.1 Bihar state (India)60 Rajasthan state (India) 60
Misogyny Root of the word –miso = hate/hatred; disgust for; revulsion –gyne = woman Misogyny = hatred or revulsion of woman
Mournful Song “Oh father, you brought up my brothers to be happy. You brought me up to shed tears. Oh father, you have brought up your son to give him your house, And have left a cage for me.”
Some Exceptions 104 women to 100 men Europe United States Kerala, (Southwest) India
One of the Greatest Causes of Poverty in the World is a Lie! The Lie: Men are Superior to Women!
The Purpose of this Workshop Expose the reality of women’s suffering Challenge the lie of male superiority Present a meta-narrative that honors women