Matthias Fiedler Rupprecht Consult – Forschung & Beratung GmbH


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Presentation transcript:

Matthias Fiedler Rupprecht Consult – Forschung & Beratung GmbH Older People & Public Transport – Challenges and Chances Experiences from the fieldwork Matthias Fiedler Rupprecht Consult – Forschung & Beratung GmbH EMTA General Meeting Bilbao, 27 April 2007

Overview Challenges Facts about Age & Mobility Expectations of Older People How does PT react? Best Practice from European cities Is PT prepared for Ageing Societies? Which Role could PTA’s take?

“In our region, PT will be 100% accessible in 5 years…” Germany 1990 Low floor buses and trams: <5% Persons aged 70-75 holding a driving license: ~33% ...and 2020 Low floor buses and trams: >90% Persons aged 70-75 holding a driving license: ~90% In the future, older people will not be captive users anymore!

Challenges: Demographic Shifts Population 65+ is expected to double between 1995 and 2050 in the EU-25 At the same time, number of younger people and “active population“ will decrease Various Impacts on Public Transport Demand Patterns (Time, Space, Quantity) Needs and Expectations of Passengers

Challenges: Trends in Mobility Behaviour The Car Generation grows old Increasing car ownership, particularly among older women Quality of Life = maintain driving as long as possible? People are less familiar with Public Transport Changing Mobility Patterns People stay active and fit for a longer time Maintaining “mobility style” Changes in land use patterns Diversification of the Older Population Ethnic minorities Lifestyles & personal preferences gain importance “Transport socialisation” more important than actual age!

Age related personal mobility constraints Ageing has impacts on Mobility of limbs & physical power Senses & Reactions Cognitive Processes & Psychology Rate of Chronic Diseases Ageing is a process rather than a stage However: Age is not an Impairment! “Older people” are not a homogeneous group The sum of efforts is crucial, not particular barriers

Age related changes in mobility behaviour Shifts from private car to Walking, PT and Cycling Shorter trips concentrating on the proximity Still ~3 trips/ day Minimised mobility in very old age (85+) Objective: Organise daily life independently Coping strategies Unmet travel need

What do Older People expect? Ease of use Seamless & non-exhaustive travel Customer attention & approachable staff Safety Security & courtesy Adapted environment Removal of barriers for non-frequent users Cleanliness & appearance

How does Public Transport react? Focus on vehicles/ infrastructure Security & safety mainly refers to CCTV schemes Lack of activities to ease the use of PT Low priority of soft measures and marketing

The KOLLA Project in Göteborg Targets Make public transport accessible for everybody Reduce costs Activities Improve infrastructure & information Include walk to the next PT stop Integrate mainstream PT & DRT & Flexible Lines Improved management of non-mainstream PT Accompanied by staff & passenger training, personal assistance

Staying mobile in the older age in Salzburg 64% of all PT accidents with people older than 65 years Targets Enhance Safety Keep older people mobile Promote public transport Activities Safety handbook Training of senior citizens (theory & practice) Staff training & improvements on vehicles Yearly “Mobility Day” Costumer service & communication Close cooperation with senior citizens’ organisation is key to success

Proximity Mobility Planning in München Mobility in older age focuses on the proximity of the own flat/ house Targets Improve daily mobility of (older) urban dwellers Implement on less costly, organisational measures Integrate strong participative elements Micro-scale mobility planning in a inner city neighbourhood Small area selected (44.000 inhabitants, 4km2) All modes – focus on walking, cycling and PT Different stakeholders – user organisations, police, PT operator, city council Identifying issues & gaps Elaborating solutions in workshops with citizens and planners

Friendly Agents in Lille Driverless metros and security issues led to image problems Targets Improve security Enhance service & quality Better image of PT “Friendly Agents”: One solution for various issues Improved security avoiding menacing appearance Enhanced information for all passengers Personal assistance for older & disabled people Decrease in fraud and vandalism “Giving PT a friendly face”

Innovative Tariff Schemes Bremen: BOB-Ticket E-ticket that automatically selects best price No knowledge on tariffs and zones necessary Designed for non-frequent users Rhine-Ruhr Area: “Bears’ Ticket” Addressing frequent users Interested in activity & culture Allows for free 1st class use Embedded in activity campaign Exclusive cultural events for ticket holders

Are we prepared for the future? Efforts are necessary to gain older passengers – danger of steadily decreasing patronage Physical accessibility has been improved but this is only one part of the job! Land use issues Persons with immigration background Familiarise non-frequent users with PT Promote the active, multimodal older passenger Need for Integrated Approaches Consider the whole trip chain Integrate all modes

Which role could PTA‘s take? Define standards (information, training, environment,…) Set-up integrated concepts Link with urban planning issues Involve stakeholders at the local level Implement marketing & communication campaigns Tariffs: Easy to use & attractive for non-frequent users Push forward new & innovative schemes

Thank you! Matthias Fiedler