OUTCOMES OF THE RIC - Conference Research Infrastructures and the Regional Dimension of ERA Prague Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for Western.


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Presentation transcript:

OUTCOMES OF THE RIC - Conference Research Infrastructures and the Regional Dimension of ERA Prague Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries 28 May, 2009, Prague Jakub Dúrr Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Introduction It is a time now to have a different approach to European research infrastructures based on a common vision of the future of European Research Area (ERA) in the field of research infrastructures: 1st: the EU does not need a large research infrastructure of every science field in every member state 2nd: large research infrastructures of pan-European interest are too expensive to be paid for by one Member State alone 3rd: Europe needs to use the talents of all its researches and share particular advantages of its Member States in order to be competitive

Introduction 4th: full advantage of the diversity of EU Regions with their rich cultural and historical background should be explored. 5th: the enlargement of the EU by the Member States from Central Eastern Europe and the perspective entry of the West Balkan Countries and Turkey, all of which have a very long tradition in high quality research, is seen as a great opportunity for EU infrastructures.

The CZ PRES activities in the field of RIs THREE MAIN AREAS 1. Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Council Conclusions 2. The ERIC proposal – political agreement – a big step in a direction towards a common ERA of research infrastructures, based on common set of rules and priorities 3. The Implementation of the ERA Vision 2020 – Council Conclusions; Progress Report - Work of the trio of presidencies and of the six presidencies; result of a discussion with Member States and the EC- the progress report 4. Regional Report – CZ PRES pledged to focus, amongst others, on the WBC region in order to strenghten its countrie´s European perspective

Objective of the conference and organization Research Infrastructures (RIs) in Europe are mostly : - distributed UNEVENLY - concentrated in the large founding member states HOWEVER: The RIC conference held in the Prague Congress Center on 24 – 25 March 2009 has shown that the lack of interest in research infrastructures is slowly diminishing The objective of the conference: - to help policy makers and project coordinators to develop together a strategic and consistent approach in the field of RIs - to motivate MS and their regions to coordinate their policies, and to show the activities in the field of RIs Organized with the EC and international program committee Attendance: over 300 participants

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council Conclusions Based on informed presentations from political and research elites such as: Ms KatarínaMathernová – deputy director general in DG Regional Policy, Prof. Carlo Rizzuto – ESFRI Chair Ondřej Liška – Minister of Education, Youth and Sports in the Czech Republic and heated discussions from all of the participants the Draft Council conclusions as resulted from the discussion in the Permanent Representatives Committee on 13 May 2009:

Draft Council conclusions as resulted from the discussion in the Permanent Representatives Committee on 13 May 2009 – general competitiveness EMPHASISES that Europe needs to maintain the support for research & development and innovation in the current economic crisis and that in particular national investments in the pan-European Research Infrastructures should be accelerated, as set out in the European Economic Recovery Plan. This will not only ensure short- and long-term benefits for European competitiveness but also stimulate further development of the ERA and help realise the "fifth freedom" – free movement of knowledge.

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council conclusions – general competitiveness  RECOGNISES the importance of excellent research infrastructures, single-sited and distributed, in promoting the development of the knowledge triangle and fostering the socio-economic development and competitiveness of Europe and its regions RESEARCH EDUCATIONINNOVATION

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council conclusions – National Roadmaps WELCOMES the work of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) on the updated Roadmap 2008, which has acted as a catalyst for national roadmaps and/or programmes for research infrastructures in many cases, and CALLS on the Member States to amplify their efforts to bring about, where appropriate, its implementation within a realistic time frame. 

 Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council conclusions – importance of research infrastructures ACKNOWLEDGES the importance of research infrastructures, In particular Regional Partner Facilities, for a more balanced development of the ERA and brain circulation throughout Europe, thereby promoting European cohesion. In this context, REITERATES the significance of The principle of excellence and an effective access of the European research community to the top research facilities;

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council conclusions – human resources development EMPHASISES the importance of research infrastructures for the development of human resources in research and development, with special benefits for intersectional mobility and the involvement of industry in the process of educating researchers, and INVITES the Member States to engage in the development of special training activities with a view to bringing together universities, research performing organisations, research infrastructures and industry. 

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council conclusions – legal framework RECOGNIZES the need for the adoption of a legal framework for European research infrastructures - ERIC: - VAT committee meeting on the 22nd of April - the CZ PRES proposed a compromise text on the basis of the fact that the VAT committee unanimously agreed that ERIC would qualify as an international body -ERIC has gone through negotiations on the level of COREPER on 13. May At the competitiveness council on there should be a political agreement embraced which leaves space only for suggestions for minimal changes 

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council conclusions – e-infrastructures WELCOMES the Commission communication entitled "ICT infrastructures for e-Science"10,which puts emphasis on the growing importance of e-Infrastructures for research excellence, innovation and efficient operation of research infrastructures, and UNDERLINES that e-Infrastructures are a key factor in overcoming fragmentation and the digital divide in Europe, with their potential to harness the collective power of European scientific resources regardless of their geographical location 

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council conclusions – e-infrastructures RECOGNIZING, in this context, the important role of e- Infrastructures and e-science for the development of the future of the ERA and the need to further examine the issue in due course, and CALLS on the Commission to pursue the sustainability, global connectivity, interoperability and unimpeded use of pan-European e-Infrastructures, and on the Member States to consider the role of e- Infrastructures in their national roadmaps and/or programs for research infrastructures.

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Draft Council conclusions – evaluation INVITES the Member States and the Commission, in consultation with ESFRI, where appropriate, to: – promote further use of existing financial tools, in particular the Structural Funds and EIB instruments for the construction, upgrading or maintenance of research infrastructures, including Regional Partner Facilities; – in this context, encourage the development of research infrastructures, including the distribution, in a way to facilitate balanced implementation of ERA, while preserving the principle of scientific excellence and ensuring effective access; – establish and strengthen links between national and pan-European research infrastructures; – analyze the socio–economic returns and cost effectiveness of research infrastructures for the regions hosting them and Europe as a whole, along with the identification of possible obstacles to the increased use of Structural Funds.

Research infrastructures and the regional dimension of ERA – Council Conclusions INVITES the Member States, in consultation with ESFRI, to: – develop, in particular, common set of criteria which may be used to assess the efficiency of research infrastructures at both European and national level; – develop relevant voluntary criteria for the assessment of bids before the site selection of large pan-European research infrastructures

Conclusions: For our meeting the importance of balanced distribution of research infrastructures throughout Europe which helps to upturn brain drain into brain circulation which reduces unemployment in regions and promotes European cohesion is the most crucial. At the ESFRI meeting in March 09 the proposal that the regional development should be amongst others aimed at WBC was supported by the Czech Presidency

Conclusions: Europe needs to fully utilize its potential. This objective can be realized in three ways: –Involve less research intensive countries in distributed facilities – which contribute robustly to make Europe less fragmented by giving opportunity to regions and smaller or less research intensive countries to participate in the ERA –Develop Regional Partner Facilities –Get involved in e-Infrastructures as they are a key factor in overcoming fragmentation and the digital divide in Europe

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