(Act III ) 1. prevail: definition : “To win” definition : “To win”
(Act III ) 2. beguile: definition : “To deceive” definition : “To deceive”
(Act III ) 3. appertain(ing): definition : “ rightfully belonging to” definition : “ rightfully belonging to”
(Act III ) 4. effeminate: definition : “ having feminine qualities” definition : “ having feminine qualities”
(Act III ) 5. agile: definition : “to move quickly and easily” definition : “to move quickly and easily”
(Act III ) 6. garish: definition : “show, flashy or gaudy” definition : “show, flashy or gaudy”
(Act III ) 7. dismal: definition : “causing dispair ; lacking merit” definition : “causing dispair ; lacking merit”
(Act III ) 8. calamity: definition : “disaster” definition : “disaster”
(Act III ) 9. sojourn: definition : “to live somewhere temporarily” definition : “to live somewhere temporarily”
(Act III ) 10. abhor: definition : “to hate violently ” definition : “to hate violently ”
(Act IV ) 1. inundation: definition : “an overflowing” definition : “an overflowing”
(Act IV ) 2. pensive: definition : “in thought” definition : “in thought”
(Act IV ) 3. arbitrate(ing): definition : “to settle differences between two parties” definition : “to settle differences between two parties”
(Act IV ) 4. martyr: definition : “a person who dies, suffers, or makes a great sacrifice for a cause ” definition : “a person who dies, suffers, or makes a great sacrifice for a cause ”
(Act IV ) 5. valor: definition : “personal bravery” definition : “personal bravery”
(Act IV ) 6. lament(able): definition : “expressing grief or sorrow” definition : “expressing grief or sorrow”
(Act IV ) 7. orisons: definition : “prayers” definition : “prayers”
(Act IV ) 8. provision: definition : “a supply or preparation” definition : “a supply or preparation”
(Act IV ) 9. abate: definition : “to lessen or end” definition : “to lessen or end”
(Act IV ) 10. detest(able): definition : “worthy of being hated” definition : “worthy of being hated”
(Act V ) 1. presage: definition : “an omen” definition : “an omen”
(Act V ) 2. pestilence: definition : “a destructive, swiftly spreading disease” definition : “a destructive, swiftly spreading disease”
(Act V ) 3. quarantine: definition : “to restrain people to prevent the spreading of disease” definition : “to restrain people to prevent the spreading of disease”
(Act V ) 4. inexorable: definition : “unmovable, even by urgent begging” definition : “unmovable, even by urgent begging”
(Act V ) 5. vengeance: definition : “inflicting punishment or pain out of revenge” definition : “inflicting punishment or pain out of revenge”
(Act V ) 6. peruse: definition : “to read leisurely” definition : “to read leisurely”
(Act V ) 7. ensign: definition : “a flag, badge or emblem” definition : “a flag, badge or emblem”
(Act V ) 8. paramour: definition : “a secret lover” definition : “a secret lover”
(Act V ) 9. inauspicious : definition : “promising future failure or bad luck” definition : “promising future failure or bad luck”
(Act V ) 10. purge: definition : “to fully cleanse from impurity” definition : “to fully cleanse from impurity”