Building Safer Communities Through Building Stronger Partnerships (part 2) Rachel Hankins RZ Hankins Consultancy 19 June 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Building Safer Communities Through Building Stronger Partnerships (part 2) Rachel Hankins RZ Hankins Consultancy 19 June 2012

RZ Hankins Consultancy: Extensive work with public sector and voluntary sector. IOM Commissioning Framework – harnessing the resources of the VCS to help reduce reoffending in Gloucestershire. Why choose us? Nicholas Day Associates: Probation Housing Strategy for Gloucestershire. Service user-led review of Supporting People for Gloucestershire County Council.

the known knowns: things we know that we know the known unknowns: things we know that we don't know the unknown unknowns – things we don't know that we don't know. Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense, 2002

stating the obvious… a PCC will be elected and take up post in November 2012 a Police and Crime Plan and budget must be ready early in we know we don’t know who is going to be elected as PCC? what will be his/her manifesto commitments? will the PCC continue to employ current Police Authority staff? The known knowns:The known unknowns:

Police & Crime Commissioner Cheltenham Borough Council Gloucester City Council NHS Glos Probation Trust Public Health NOMS Gloucestershire County Council Stroud District Council Forest of Dean District Council Tewkesbury Borough Council Cotswold District Council HMP Gloucester voluntary & community sector citizensvictimswitnessesoffenders private sector Health & Wellbeing Board Constabulary

The commissioning context – community safety means a stronger, safer, more resilient and cohesive Gloucestershire. the countywide ‘commissioning community’

Working with Glos Police Authority Interviews with key statutory and voluntary sector stakeholders – testing out their levels of knowledge about PCCs listening to their fears or concerns - and optimism too! finding out what kinds of data and local knowledge they can contribute to the Police and Crime Plan creating interest and buy-in to working with Glos Police Authority in run-up to November and thereafter with the PCC.

we can’t expect to build communities and cohesion unless they’re underpinned by a sense of safety and security … so Health, Criminal Justice, the Councils and voluntary sector must all work together with the PCC to increase community safety as the basic building block for stronger communities.

digging the foundations and preparing the way for the PCC – ready for whichever candidate is elected… …not building the house or setting things in stone

a dash for cash? a fair process

Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Plan local police and crime statistics local knowledge from six Community Safety Partnerships voluntary sector knowledge Joint Strategic Needs & Assets Assessment (JSNAA) Multi Agency Database for Neighbourhoods in Gloucestershire MAIDeN Gloucestershire Stronger Safer Justice Commission strategic plan evaluation of ‘what works’ in commissioned services eg Youth Offending, Drug & Alcohol Glos Police Authority & VCS contact with communities etc Probation’s OASyS database

Lawrence Sherman - Professor of Criminology at Cambridge University expert in evidence-based policy and policing, experimental criminology, restorative justice, crime prevention – what works and what doesn’t. research/lawrence_sherman/

Rachel Hankins Tel: Nick Day Tel: