GENERATION Rx Project Presented by Latrina M. Patrick Program Coordinator, DBHDD
About the Project Funded by SAMHSA 3 year project Pilot project Finishing up Year 1
Goal To prevent youth and young adults from misusing/abusing prescription drugs Target population: year old
Objective Reduce perception of risk and harm
Target Communities Catoosa County –Catoosa Prevention Initiative (CAPi) Early County –Early Choices Gwinnett County –Clinic for Education, Treatment & Prevention of Addiction (CETPA)
Beginning Stages Preliminary work is done –Community Readiness Assessments –Focus Groups –Media Awareness –Pre-planning Starting the implementation phase Saturate the local markets with our message
Evidenced Based Strategies Disadvantage –There are very few evidenced based strategies around Rx drugs. Advantage –Innovation –Learning Curve and Slack from funders –Try new things
Proposed Strategies Information Dissemination Community Activities Education Alternative Activities
Activities Take Back Day Events –Collaborate with DEA –Collaborate with law enforcement Proper Disposal –Equipping Sheriff’s offices with drop boxes –Publicizing location of the boxes Education –Middle and high school students –Parents –Community
Education Students: –Rx Drug Curriculum –Performing Arts Parents –Guiding Good Choices Community –Forums –Presentations to civic groups, faith based and community based organizations
Statewide Effort Expand the message through a volunteer component Partnering with other organizations to recruit youth statewide Youth Advisory Committee –Ideas –Training –Promoting the message in the schools –Social Marketing
Call to Action Identify youth for advisory council; preferably within each region Identify more communities with significant Rx drug issues Organize local Take Back Day events, even beyond the national days.
Contact Info Latrina Patrick (404)